The inaugural post......
Let’s take it one step further. Have you ever had a job (career, business, etc.) where you were having so much fun with it time flew by? Where you were enjoying yourself so much that it wasn’t work at all?
When you really love what you’re doing, your whole life is transformed.
In February, 2004, I got the opportunity of a lifetime. At least it was for me. I got to commute up to Vancouver, Canada and help a lifelong friend build and lead his already successful business. The name of the business is Peak Potentials Training, my old friend is T. Harv Eker, and I was his new Operations Director.
Peak Potentials Training is among the fastest growing personal development company’s in North America. If you’ve ever seen Harv at a program, I’m sure you realize that you are seeing a master at work. All of the dozen programs currently being offered (including the Millionaire Mind Intensive, Enlightened Warrior Camp, Life Directions) are Harv’s creations. I’ve been to enough events to tell you first hand, that the feeling of joy experienced by the participants throughout and especially at the end of any event is electrifying. Those of you who are “Peakers” can attest to this. Peak Potential events are high energy…..and Harv Eker is the genius that makes it all happen.
It’s a very rare situation where a company’s marketing is so strong that they have to stop and wait for the rest of the company to catch up. Harv’s marketing abilities far exceeded the ability of the rest of the company to handle all the business. There was a core of staff members who were doing their best back at the office, but they didn’t have the tools or the space or the manpower to handle all the work.
At Peaks, during the week, we had the challenges of building the operations part of the business. On the weekends I’d join the event staff and volunteers at the programs. Both were a blast. We had a fantastic group at the home office, and a bunch of true warriors working on the road. And I loved them all. In many ways we were one big family, with a heavy dose of spirituality thrown in.
The events were especially fun for me, because so many participants confused me for Harv. I’d be helping out participants at registration, or answering their questions about something, or simply greeting people in the halls and people would come up to me thinking I was Harv. Or they would ask me if Harv and I were brothers.
Mostly, I loved all the interaction with the students.They were all having fun, they were making new friends, and I knew that these programs had the potential to transform people if they were ready for it.
At the end of the day, this business, even with all of the headaches, is the greatest business in the world. It was easy to get passionate about Peak Potentials. I was having so much fun with Harv and Rob and Shelley and Corry and Donna and Cage and Gail and everyone working with us (staff and volunteers) that I didn’t care how many hours I worked, because it was all good. We were making steady progress on the back end, and the programs continued to be filled. Most important, with Harv, we had the best products in the world of its kind.
The biggest challenge was that I was commuting between Vancouver and Phoenix, my home of 27 years. And I was usually in Vancouver for 23 or 24 days a month. After a year of travel it was tough to be away so much. Harv didn’t need a part time CFO down in Phoenix. So it was time to move on……
I’m back in Phoenix permanently now. And the question is….…what do I do next? How do I replace that magic? What do I create that brings me back to that place of excitement, passion and energy?
Here’s what I’ve been up to recently……
I got my insurance license and considered becoming a financial planner. I figured that with my CPA and MBA that I’d have the right credentials. Moreover, this is an industry where you can truly help people with their finances and create a stream of income for yourself through renewals. If you are a successful financial planner, or if you know one, I’d love to hear about your experiences.
I bought another rental property. Together with my wife Sue, we now own several. I doubt that there is a better place in North America to buy real estate, now and in the future. Phoenix real estate values went up 47% in the past year. Recently the leading economic guru for Arizona forecast real estate values to increase 10% to 15% annually for at least another couple of years. More and more people are moving to the Valley of the Sun, at a faster rate than new homes being built. Sue and I have been in the Phoenix real estate market for 25 years. Maybe it’s time to become a full time investor? There’s a fortune to be made here. Is there anyone out there building his or her real estate empire? I’d like to hear from you.
Start an Internet Marketing business. Through some of my associations I made while at Peak Potentials, I found a couple of guys (Ed Dale and Frank Kern) who are considered the absolute best at creating niche market websites. Unfortunately their program “Underachiever Mastery” was a limited edition, and I can’t find a copy to buy anywhere. (If any undies are reading this….help!) While doing my research I began reading their blog, and the guys provide so much information I’m thinking that there might be enough info at their blog to get me through it. But the point is, I’m convinced that with the right system, I can create profitable web sites. Is there anyone out there successfully marketing on the internet? Send me a line.
Get into coaching/seminars. After a 25 year career including time in Corporate America as well as with entrepreneurs, I’ve seen first hand the characteristics it takes to make it big. I know more than just a little about the coaching business, since Peak’s has Successtracs…the coaching part of the business. There is no doubt in my mind of the value a great coach can have on others. It’s something that I could be passionate about. I’d like to connect with a successful coach who’s got a method for building a practice.
And I know a ton about the seminar business. Peak Potentials puts on a lot of seminars during a year, as well as all the seminars Harv speaks at as a guest. I understand the logistics, and the whole operations side of this business. If you are in the seminar business I’d like to hear from you too.
Unfortunately, there aren’t any personal growth/seminar companies like Peak Potentials in Phoenix or anywhere in the southwest looking for Director of Operations/CFO. (If you have one, call me immediately). So, for the time being, I’m going to do some business consulting and make some money.
But, by the end of this year, my goal is to consider any and all options and then chose one to focus on. If you’ve got an entrepreneurial idea, let me know. Maybe we can partner up on something.
Those were memorable times at Peak Potentials. Even more important, I met many amazing people, especially the staff and the students. I’d love to hear from all of you. In the end, it really is all about the people. Please forward this blog site to any staff or students you know so they can join us.
We are all sharing this journey through life together. If you’ve got a passion for life as I do, then I hope you’ll make this blog a part of your life too. And I hope you consider me your friend.
Hi Jeff,
If you want to see what Frank and Ed are up to have a look at their new blog.
Hey Jeff,
Pretty cool site. Looking forward to reading your blog.
I've been successful up to a point. But I know I can do much more. I'm the guy you described in your post, I want to be 10 times wealthier and 50 times happier.
Show me what you got.
Hey Jeff- Great info. Look forward to keeping up. Thanks, Darren
I would say that I have been lucky in my current profession to have experienced this feeling a couple of times. The unfortunate part is that it sets you up for that fallacy of steady job and benefits = security. Well in my case it does come with some degree of security but definitely not going to be financially free.
Hey Jeff,
Your energy is inspiring!
Thanks for making Phoenix your play/workground.
We're fortunate to have you here.
I'm looking forward to reading your future blogs.
Larry E.
When we met you mentioned that you ask your coaching clients to start at the beginning of your blog and comment on each post.
I'm going to start at both ends: the earliest and the most recent.
I'm inspired by your determination to create your destiny, and your willingness to tap into the strongest possible resources.
Looking at the coming year, I've run out of patience with financial limitation, and I will do whatever it takes to set myself free in 2008.
Thanks for opening your heart and sharing your wisdom.
Its funny that your blog was talking about how time flies when you are enjoying what you are doing. I was thinking about how much time went by and how fast last Saturday when we had our first meeting.
Hi Jeff,
Derived many positive messages from this first post but the one which really jumped out at me was the importance of personal passion.
We must put ourselves in a situation in our careers where passion is a driving force. Without it, work becomes work in the boring and uninspiring way we want to avoid at all costs. Success should be measured on many levels but the foundation for hard work comes from passion.
Excellent information! I know the best is ahead.
I was more than half way through your blog when I talked to you today and you said to start at the beginning and make a post after each one. It's going to be interesting to see my growth over time. I have been listening to talk radio and all the "doom and gloom" of the economy. This is much better
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