Monday, October 03, 2005

Financial Freedom in 3 years or less........

What’s your definition of Financial Freedom?

I like the definition that is taught by Peak Potentials……”Financial Freedom is the ability to live the lifestyle your desire without HAVING to work or rely on anyone else for money."

The key word here is “HAVING” to work. So if you work, you work by choice, not by necessity. It’s a dream that millions have, but only a very small percentage ever get to. Why?

Several years ago, my friend and mentor, T. Harv Eker, wrote a book called “Speedwealth”. The theme of the book is that if you follow certain principles and ideas, you can attain financial freedom in 3 years or less. In Harv’s case, starting with a credit card loan, he opened his own company, and in less than 3 years, sold half the business to a Fortune 500 company for $1.5 million and retired to San Diego. (Subsequently, he went on to start Peak Potentials Training, and continues to grow his business exponentially).

How many of you would like to start your own business and be able to retire in 3 years or less? I know that I would. And that is a part of what I’ll be writing about as time progresses.

Hopefully, you will not only follow along as I undertake this journey, but that you will use the same ideas and concepts to take your business and life to another level. In time, I sincerely hope that I’ll be hearing from many of you that have decided to take the plunge and shoot for financial freedom using the Speedwealth methodology.

The great thing about Speedwealth is that in order to overcome the challenges (problems) that we will surely face, we will need to grow bigger than our problems. It means we have to grow as people. It means stretching ourselves, moving out of our comfort zones and into our uncomfort zones.

You will transform yourself over time. Doing those things that make you uncomfortable will be difficult at first. But if you have the right attitude, you’ll become excited at the prospects of doing the things you fear.

Personal growth and development isn’t just listening to tapes, reading books and attending seminars. It’s taking all of that knowledge and putting it into use. ACTIONS are the most important ingredient in this process. An ounce of action is worth more than a ton of intention.

There are 2 key elements in success of all undertaking. It’s not only important to know what to do, it’s even more important to DO what you know. We’ll talk about both of those ideas in the coming weeks and months.

Maybe it’s just me, but as I explore all of my options for my future business venture, I see the Internet playing an essential role. For a lot of us, this will be the case. And since I am a rookie at a lot of the latest tools, this Blog is my way to begin to learn how to use the latest technology to communicate. Once I get this part down, I’ll learn how to podcast, since I see that as another powerful way to communicate. Besides, I can say a lot more in 5 minutes than I can type. It’s all a part of the learning process.

Today is the eve of the Jewish New Years. To all of my Jewish friends, I wish you a happy and healthy new year.

Finally, I would really like to hear from you regardless if we’ve met or not. One of my primary goals for this Blog is to connect with many like-minded individuals who are passionate about life, and want to stretch and grow into the best they can be in all areas of their life. I can tell you first hand that surrounding yourself with positive, success oriented individuals who have a high level of integrity and a passion for growth will only add to your pleasure in life.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought the Speedwealth book at the MMI in Denver. I will be financially free in 3 years or less. Start the clock now.

12:09 PM  
Blogger Jeff Fagin said...


You are officially on the clock. Let's see what you can do!

I'll be around to help and guide.

All the best,


7:18 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

Do what we know to achieve financial freedom,
to do what we want.
Larry E.

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Speedwealth system makes total sense to me, especially the concept of creating a system that can be duplicated and scaled, and does not depend on my presence. My focus is marketing education products online.

The paradox I am working with now is that I see the need to build my name as an educator. So I have to step more into the picture before I can step out of it... One solution would be to promote a company name rather than my own, but I'm not sure that would have the same edge.

Eventually, I'd like to have information products selling while I am off doing other things.

5:23 AM  
Blogger Howard said...

Loved the theme of action. Do what you know. Good ideas are really a dime a dozen but action is the product of passion and desire. People seem almost afraid at this point of the process. They can go to the seminars, read the books and watch dvd's but if they don't have the courage and confidence and desire to act, they are done before the race even started.

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the step by step process presented. Well thought out. I know it will get us over our fears.

3:01 PM  
Blogger jamieyk4 said...

This is good. I will get Speedwealth tomorrow.

5:30 PM  

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