Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Crown Jewels to Your Financial Success

There are 4 crown jewels you must discover and truly understand if you are to reach your full financial potential. Most people don’t know them, and even if they do, they don’t utilize them in a way that will take them to the “Promised Land” of financial freedom.

These 4 critical concepts include…..

1. Passive Income, which is the creation of a stream or streams of income that you receive each and every month without having to work for it.

2. Money Management, which is the way you allocate your income and is absolutely essential if you ever want to become financially free.

3. The Bank on Yourself Program, which is the most brilliant vehicle I have ever seen to pull this all together.

4. Becoming an Entrepreneur, which is the fastest way to move yourself from having a ceiling on your income to having no limits to your income.

You’ve read about passive income and money management many times here.

In this post, I want to let you in on a little known but proven financial strategy that has actually been around for at least a hundred years. But most financial advisors, CPA’s and the media have never heard of it. In fact, I only became aware of it recently, and I’m a CPA who constantly searches for everything related to personal finances.

If you are serious about reaching your full financial potential and achieving the retirement of your dreams, you have got to examine the Bank on Yourself concept.

Do you realize that the average American family spends 37 ½% of every dollar on interest? Between mortgage interest, credit card interest, auto lease/loan interest and consumer debt interest, on average we all spend an amazing amount of money just to cover interest payments.

Many businesses are even worse off, especially when vehicle and equipment lease payments are included in the debt service figures.

Now, imagine if you could “recapture” all of the finance and lease charges that you’re now paying out to banks and other financial institutions and turn it into your own personal wealth and a tax-free passive income for life! This is exactly what Bank on Yourself is intended to do for you and/or your business.

That’s just for starters! The story gets even better. Under current tax laws, this “recaptured interest” grows and compounds income tax-free over your lifetime, amassing a substantial fortune for you. Of course this only holds true if your system is designed and built properly and the rules are carefully followed.

And there’s more. Your Bank on Yourself Program can be a powerful addition to your retirement plan as well as your estate plan. Structured properly, your “Bank” can be placed outside of your personal estate thus avoiding estate taxes. And your “Bank” will be fully “asset-protected” for current and future generations from lawsuits, judgments, and the claims of creditors.

I am very excited to announce that I have completed the specialized training and am now a Certified Bank on Yourself advisor. I’m excited because I believe that this is the greatest system created to allow anyone to dramatically improve their personal financial situation without having to sacrifice anything! It assures you that you’ll always have access to immediate liquid funds whenever you need them, regardless of the purpose, and, when you’re ready to retire, you’ll be able to enjoy the lifestyle you want for yourself and your spouse.

Take this quick quiz to find out what kind of retirement you're on track for...

1. Is more money coming IN to your home as growth on your
savings and investments than is LEAVING your home each year in
interest and financing costs?
____ Yes ____ No

2. Are your savings and investments guaranteed to grow
tax-free each and EVERY year, no matter what happens in the
stock or real estate markets?
____ Yes ____ No

3. Do you have a savings strategy that enables you to recapture
the ENTIRE purchase price of your cars and other big-ticket items?
____ Yes ____ No

4. Do your savings plans or other investments allow you to borrow
your money and invest it in something else, while your money
keeps growing as though you had never borrowed a dime of it?
____ Yes ____ No

5. Does your savings or retirement plan give you access to your
money with NO government penalties or restrictions on when you
can take it or how much you can take each year?
____ Yes ____ No

6. Are you 100% confident your financial strategy will get you
where you want to be?
____ Yes ____ No

I invite you to receive an incredible 55-page Special Report titled, Bank On Yourself™--How to Pocket the Interest You Now Pay to Banks, Credit Card and Finance Companies... and Turn it into Personal Wealth and a Tax-Free Income for Life.

In this report you will discover…

How to finance your next car, house, credit card debt or a college education – yourself

How to recapture the entire purchase price of your cars and other big-ticket items, over a reasonably short period of time!

How to create a tax-free passive stream of income for life

How to eliminate banks and finance companies from your life and gain control over your money!

How to increase your monthly cash flow by an average of 20-30%, simply by changing the way you purchase things (this does not require you to “give up” things)

The devastatingly simple secret to ensuring that you wake up at the beginning of each and every year with more wealth than you had the year before, regardless of what happens in the stock market! (NOTE: this is NOT about CD’s, annuities, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, risky investment vehicles or real estate)

How to benefit from this strategy even if you typically pay cash for major purchases

How to make your money LITERALLY work twice as hard for you

How to turn a little-known, special type of life insurance policy into your most profitable asset…while you’re ALIVE

How to gain control over your finances and win the money game

You can also listen to a lively and informative Seminar on this powerful, proven Strategy on your computer, 24 hours a day.

During this 75-minute Seminar, you'll hear from a number of folks around the country who are Banking On Themselves™. As you'll hear, every single one of them agrees that their only regret is that they didn't discover this sooner.

The author of this ground-breaking message, Pamela Yellen, has charged as much as $295 for it, and many people have said they would happily have paid ten times as much.

However, for a limited-time only, Pamela has agreed to make this Report and Seminar Broadcast available online for FREE. But this free offer won't be around for long... so please take advantage of it today.

To get this valuable information immediately, visit the site below and enter JF55 when asked for your passcode:

(If the link doesn't work, you can cut and paste it into your browser)

IMPORTANT: When you’re asked for your special 4-digit passcode, enter: JF55

Then, please find a quiet corner and review this powerful information today. If you're like most people who discover this, your only regret will be that no one told you about it sooner.




Blogger Jeff Fagin said...

Hi Andy,

Thanks for pointing out one of the extra benefits you get from being an entrepreneur. The tax benefits favor those in business. Anyone who wants to win the money game and doesn't take advantage of the current tax laws is simply acting out of ignorance.

Between the interest savings generated from the Bank on Yourself Program, and the tax savings generated from being in business, we are talking about a huge percentage of the average household expenses.

Between the 2 of us, I think we're passionate to reach out to the same group of people.

Don't you Andy?

By the way, stayed tuned for an upcoming post on where I suggest the best place to go to learn the "inner game" of creating Wealth without a Job.



12:17 AM  
Blogger Jeff Fagin said...

Hi Varun,

If you send me an email at, I'll see if I can find a certified consultant in Toronto who can work with you.



10:27 PM  
Blogger Jeff Evans said...

I'm excited to get my bank started. What a great concept.

7:04 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

The B.O.Y. is in the works!
Larry E.

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easy to use program. I like the way you can recapure your otherwise interest payment.

7:27 AM  

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