Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Money Management System that will Change Your Life...

Are you sick and tired of not getting the results you want financially?

Do you believe that you are capable of doing much better financially?

Are you reaching your full financial potential?

Of all the areas that can have the biggest impact on your financial life, nothing comes even close to what you’re going to be learning about right here, right now!

You can read all the books, listen to all the tapes, or go to all the seminars. You can learn about business strategies, marketing, or negotiating. You can learn about real estate, the stock market, the Internet. None of these will have anywhere near the impact that this one topic will have on your financial future.

Can you guess what this topic is?

Well, if you’ve been a regular reader of this blog, of course you know what it is. You know because I’ve written about this one topic on more than one occasion.

If it weren’t so important, I wouldn’t continue to bring it up. But, you must understand that this one topic will have more of an impact on your financial success or failure than anything else you can do.

This one topic, more than anything else, will determine if you join the elite 5% who are living the lives of their dreams, or if you remain in the 95% that struggle along barely making ends meet from one pay period to the next, never coming remotely close to realizing your full financial potential.

The one characteristic that separates the top 5% of all people financially from the rest of the crowd, is that the top 5% are all excellent money managers. They have a system they use to make sure that they do the right things to create financial success for themselves and their families.

Harv Eker, best selling author and President of Peak Potentials Training, teaches an outstanding money management system that has now been discovered by hundreds of thousands of students at the Millionaire Mind Intensive program.

Before we get into the details of the system, it’s critically important that you understand this next concept.

The worst thing that you can do when discovering a new system is to think too much. We all have a tendency to look for ways to improve or change a system we’ve been introduced to, and in almost all instances, that’s the kiss of death.

This is a rule that will help you make the leap into the top 5% of the crowd in every area of your life.

The key to success in every area of life is in finding systems that work, and then modeling them. Find a system that works in the real world, and then, do exactly what the system tells you to do. Learn the system so well that you can do every step automatically, without having to think. The more automatic you make it, and the less thinking you do, the more successful you’ll be.

What you’re doing is programming yourself for success. Once you learn a system to the point where you do things automatically without thinking, you will naturally do the right thing every time without having to give it a moments notice.

Learn enough success systems in enough areas of your life, and you simply cannot fail. You will see success compound on success, and you will rapidly grow into that top 5%! You need to understand this completely, because this is the key to your transformation from where you are today to where you want to be in your future.

You can be financially free. You can be happy. You can be successful. You can be whatever you truly want in life. All it takes is the burning desire to accomplish it, and successful systems to model.

It’s important to realize that wealthy people aren’t any smarter; they just have better money management habits.

The single biggest difference between financial success and financial failure is how you manage your money. The single biggest difference.

If you understand this and more importantly, if you agree with it, here’s a simple exercise to do for the next week.

Every day, and throughout the day, repeat this declaration as often as you can, saying it out loud and with feeling……..

To master money, I must manage money.

Saying this declaration repeatedly over a period of time will allow the concept to drift into your subconscious mind, so that you will automatically be programmed to believe that to master money, you will manage it. The reason for repeating it is that the more your subconscious hears something, the more it tends to believe it to be true. It’s been said that repetition is the mother of learning.

We can discuss your mind and how it works at another time, but trust that this process will create the automatic responses you want in order to reach your full financial potential.

Next, we begin to explore the money management system. It’s simple, and you can do it.

I would encourage you to learn it well. Learn it as though your financial future depended on it, because it does.

Learn it well enough to teach it to your children, your spouse, and anyone else you truly care about. Not only can this system have a profound impact on your life, you can then have a profound impact on the lives of others who are not as informed as you.

Ok. Let’s talk about this. Some quick money management tips. Number 1 you’re already managing your money. The only question is, how? Most do it very, very poorly or not at all. And a lot of people don’t want to manage their money because they feel strangled; they feel like managing their money is a lack of freedom, right?

Number 2. Managing your money doesn’t restrict your freedom, it promotes your freedom. First of all, it allows you to create full financial freedom some day, right? Secondly, with this system, you’re able to spend designated amounts for fun things without any guilt whatsoever. How do you like that?

Now, what we’re going to do here is explain the worlds easiest and most effective money management method. It’s very simple and that’s why it works.

Let me ask you a question. You know about baseball right? What would happen if everyone took the field and all 9 went to play 3rd base? Big trouble right? Lots of empty space. You cannot win the game this way. Does that make sense? And yet 95% of you are playing that way.

So the key here is each position has a very specific purpose. It’s the same with managing your money. So therefore, the most important part of managing your money is separating your income into separate accounts for specific jobs and duties.

We’ll get into the specific steps in the next post, but I want to leave you with this thought.

Most people play the money game not to lose. They play the game on defense. Wealthy and financially successful people play the money game to win. They have a completely different mindset. You need to develop that mindset.

We all play the money game, whether we realize it or not. We are all going to win the game or lose it. Which do you choose?




Blogger Jeff Evans said...

I am working on becomin an excellent money manager. I have already set up my accounts. I put money in them exactly as the system explains.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

To win the money master game I must manage money the best.
Larry E.

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to know more about the accounts. I will master the money game by managing

5:13 PM  

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