The Money Management System That Beats Them All (Part 3)
Do you worry about it?
If you’re like most Americans, money is the biggest worry most people face.
We worry about paying our bills. We worry about medical expenses. We worry about having money for retirement.
The number one reason for breakups in relationships is because of………you guessed it, money. Marriages end because of it. Friendships, partnerships, families all suffer because of money issues.
Imagine a life where you didn’t need to worry about money any more. Well….that’s what this series of posts is all about.
Becoming a great money manager, and understanding your financial blueprint will go a long way to reducing your worries and get you on the right track to financial freedom.
This series of posts describes one of the easiest and most effective money management systems ever devised. If you are serious about your financial success, you will want to read these posts again and again until they become your natural way of thinking about money.
Let’s get to the next major money management fund.
The next fund is your education fund, and we put 10% into it. So from $100, you’ll put $10 into your education fund.
I am absolutely adamant about this fund, because it worked for me.
I learned how to succeed. I learned how to succeed career wise. I learned how to succeed financially. Hopefully, I learned how to succeed as a person. I learned all of that. I came from a place where none of those things were me.
Everything I am today I owe to learning. I’m not talking about formal school education. I’m talking about street smart education. I learned the most from reading books, listen to audio recordings, and attending seminars. Equally important, I learned from successful people who have succeeded in the real world in their areas of expertise.
So I am adamant. There’s a saying that says knowledge is power. Education allows you to learn how to earn more money. It also teaches you to how to grow personally so that you’re the kind of person that can not only earn it, but that can keep it and grow it.
The universe is dynamic. That means it’s always changing. And there’s a very simple rule. If you’re not growing, you’re automatically dying. As with any living structure, if you are not growing, you are automatically dying.
If you’re not sure about that, let me ask you, have you ever had a plant? If your plant isn’t growing, what’s it doing? It’s dying, and it’s exactly the same with you.
Bob Proctor another great trainer says this, “the learners shall inherit the earth, while the learned will be beautifully equipped for a world that no longer exists.”
Ben Franklin said it this way. He said, “if you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”
If you’re not achieving the financial results you want in life, all that means is that there’s something you don’t know. By dedicating a portion of your time and income, and investing it in learning, you virtually assure yourself of discovering the secrets that will propel you to your full financial potential.
What do you invest the 10% you set aside for education?
You can invest this money in books, home learning courses, seminars, tapes, coaching. Bottom line, you are investing in yourself.
From now on, 10% of everything you earn goes into your education jar. Learn your way to financial freedom.
Ok, we’re half way through this money management program. I urge you to study and read this program repeatedly. It’s been proven to work for hundreds of thousands of people, and if you use it, it will work for you to.
Until next time.
Great refresher!!! This is one of my favorite accounts. Now, more than ever, I am totally focused on winning that inner game, and I do that by educating myself and applying what I learn.
An investment in knowledge pays great dividends.
Larry E.
This is a fun account.
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