Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Building Your Foundation for Financial Freedom…..

Imagine being in complete control of your personal finances. Imagine that you knew exactly what to do to create financial freedom in your life. This post is for everyone who wants to join the elite 5% of society, and achieve the financial and personal success experienced by only the very few.

One of the best selling books in the last few years is “The Millionaire Next Door” by Stanley and Danko. In it, the authors describe the typical millionaire, and it’s not at all what you might think.

First of all, even though a million dollar net worth is more common now than ever before, statistically, only 1 out of every 37 Americans is a millionaire. That’s less than 3%. If you eliminate personal home equity from the net worth equation, the number drops off dramatically.

In the book, you read all kinds of analysis of what characteristics these millionaires have in common. What you learn is that there are lots of different ways to get to a million dollars. There are all kinds of people with many different characteristics that have made it to the top.

But there is one characteristic that virtually all of them have in common.

Would you like to know what it is?

After analyzing thousands of millionaires, there is one thing that separates these people from the rest of the crowd. In fact, this characteristic is essential to anyone who desires wealth.

This characteristic isn’t something you are born with. It doesn’t take any special skill. It doesn’t require any hard work. It doesn’t require any genius.

You can be young or old, big or small, man or woman, educated or not, everyone is capable of acquiring this skill.

In the world of financial freedom, this one characteristic is the key. Do you know what it is?

Virtually all of the millionaires analyzed in the book were great MONEY MANAGERS. They had a system for handling their money that works.

And that’s the key……to have a SYSTEM that actually works in the real world.

Ideally, this system is simple enough that anyone can use it.

At the Millionaire Mind Intensive, taught by Harv Eker of Peak Potentials Training and the author of the best selling book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, the first day of this amazing 3-day program is dedicated to learning the easiest, most effective money management system ever devised.

Understanding this system is simple. Applying it should be. It can be.

But for most people, even when they learn the system, within a short period of time, they abandon it and go back to their old ways.

Why would someone choose to ignore new information that they know will dramatically improve their lives?

It’s the same reason people have a hard time quitting smoking even though they know smoking’s bad for them.

It’s the same reason people have a hard time losing weight even though they know it would be healthy for them to drop a few pounds.

It’s our PROGRAMMING. It’s our HABITS. In fact, our PROGRAMMING = our HABITS. If you want to change your habits, you have to change your programming.

At the end of the money management system training, Harv will stand on stage and ask the audience what they think of the system. All of them are enthusiastic to now know this system. He then asks how many of them plan to use the system. Everyone’s hand goes up.

And then, at the top of his lungs, he screams out…….NO YOU WON’T! NO YOU WON’T.

Fact: It’s one thing to know what to do. It’s something else to do what you know.

Are you guilty of this? Do you do everything you know you should be doing? Unless you are very exceptional, the answer is always no!

That’s why learning how to manage your money is only half the equation. If you know what to do but you don’t do it, what good is that knowledge to you?

When you read a post like this one that is filled with new thoughts, do you read it just for entertainment, or do you read it to change your life? Within 30 seconds after reading this post, will you have forgotten everything you just read? Will you think to yourself, “there’s a good idea” and go on with your day?

There’s a huge difference between reading something and studying and applying something. There are millions of intellectuals who read countless books but are broke.

I always hate to hear someone say, “Knowledge is Power”. That’s simply not true. It’s not what you know that’s important, it’s what you DO with what you know that’s critical. Knowledge is only POTENTIAL power. APPLIED knowledge is power.

Do you get it? Do you really get it?

Until you do, you are doomed to struggle in your financial life and every other area of your life too.

When you read something that you know can have a profound impact on your life, you must do more than the passive act of reading. You must take some immediate ACTION to reinforce what you’ve just learned. You must develop the HABIT of committing to yourself that when you learn something that can make a difference to you in your life, you will set aside some time, even if it’s just 5 or 10 minutes to THINK about what you have learned and decide what you are going to DO to make it a reality in your life.

Otherwise, in your busy life, within moments, your mind will be occupied with a new set of thoughts, and your good idea will die a quick death, never to be heard from again.

You’ve just learned that the one common characteristic of millionaires is that they are expert money mangers. Now what?

You can do nothing with this newfound knowledge, or you can decide that this is important enough to you that you will dedicate yourself to learning how to become an expert money manager yourself, and even more importantly, that you will DO what expert money managers DO.

In my next posts, I will describe the money management system taught at the Millionaire Mind Intensive. I know it works from first hand experience. I know that anyone who sincerely wants to achieve financial freedom will benefit enormously from USING this system.

Keep coming back here for ideas that will virtually guarantee you the knowledge you need to join the top 5%. But remember as well, that all the greatest knowledge in the world isn’t worth a nickel if you don’t take ACTION on what you learn.

I hope you get it. I really do.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Money Management is an absolute must in order to build real wealth. In my experience there are many people who make a lot of money but then fall short by spending it all. They do not manage their money wisely. They are what I refer to as broke rich people.

In order to become truly wealthy you have to set aside some money and invest it. This sometimes is difficult for people to understand because we have never been taught how to do this. In fact what we are taught is to want instant gratification. Buy it on credit and have it today!

I assure you this is not a good strategy to use to build wealth. Listen to Jeff has to say about this topic. It is important to your financial well being. Jeff you are on track!

To Your Success,
Andy Fuehl

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have taken action on this very topic. Not only did I read the Millionaire Mind, I also attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive. I have my accounts set up just as the system describes, and apply the system for every penny I make.

I am excited to find, make, receive, and even look at money, because I get to split it up accordingly. That's exciting to me.

It was such a liberating feeling the day that I set up my accounts and starting working on becoming an excellent money manager.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

I'm ready for action!
Larry E.

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am exceited to learn this system. I enjoy planning and saving money in many different ways. I have used Bank on Yourself and like it.

6:50 AM  

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