Friday, January 06, 2006

How Do You Want It to End?

Imagine that I just handed you a book. As you open it up, you see that the first paragraph starts on your birth date, and it’s the story of your life.

You begin to leaf through the pages and you see every event of your life written in full detail. Your entire life’s experience is recorded exactly as you EXPERIENCED it when it happened.

You get to a certain point in the book, and it’s all about what is going on in your life today.

When you look at the rest of the book, all of the pages are blank.

Of course, you can reread any part of the book any time you want, but you can’t change anything already written. It’s in the book. It’s done.

But starting right now, you can take control of what’s written in the book going forward. You can decide exactly what direction you want the book to take. You can choose to make the story anything you want.

Think about that! You have the option to choose what you want included in your book from now on. What do you want in your book of life?

You have to understand, in every cell of your body, that YOU are the master of your destiny. No matter what’s happened in the past, you can decide to create an incredible life for yourself from this moment forward. You and no one else. The key word here is YOU.

Would you like to know a secret that virtually assures you of creating an incredible and exciting life?

If you knew this secret, would you use it?

The secret is ATTITUDE. Your attitude about everything in your life will determine more than anything else your level of success and happiness.

FACT: You have 100% control of your mind, and therefore you have 100% control over your attitudes.

No matter what situation you are in, you can adopt the most positive attitude for that situation, or not. It’s your choice. When something bad happens to you, you can CHOOSE to be angry, sad, bitter, vengeful, miserable, unhappy. Or you can choose to be upset for a moment, acknowledge your feelings, and then immediately focus on solutions and making things better, and learning something from the experience. YOU decide every minute of everyday what your attitude is going to be.

Having a positive attitude is the greatest asset you can own in your life. Let me repeat myself, because if you really understand this, your life will never be the same again.

HAVING A POSITIVE ATTITUDE IS THE GREATEST ASSET YOU CAN OWN IN YOUR LIFE. It’s free, and available to every single one of us.

There is the right attitude for every situation. And it is up to you to practice having that attitude. It isn’t easy. In fact, it’s hard. But only at first.

Like any new habit, you have to work extra hard at the beginning to develop a positive mental attitude. It’s so much easier to let your feelings and emotions determine your attitudes. But the really super happy, super successful people know and understand the critical importance of having the right mental attitude.

You have a mind capable of creating the greatest possible life imaginable. Your mind is the key to your success and happiness. You can learn how your mind works. You can learn how to train your mind to bring you all the success and happiness you want. You can take complete control of your mind and take your life to a whole new level.

And it all starts when you DEMAND of YOURSELF that you are going to develop an incredible POSITIVE mental attitude. Not just when things are going fine, but especially when things don’t go exactly the way you want them to.

Make it your goal today to practice having a terrific attitude in every situation. In fact, tell people close to you that you are working on having a positive attitude, and if anyone catches you being negative, to point it out to you.

Be sure you work on your attitude every day. In every situation, begin to look at what kind of an attitude you have. Think about how you can improve your attitudes. And don’t stop…….for the rest of your life.




Blogger Thérèse said...

That's really nice. And I agree.

At least, the hippie within agrees.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I have started this journey, I have made it a point to keep this PMA in check all the time. I find that I challenged with this on a daily basis, having the shared responsibility of raising 3 kids that aren't mine.

7:40 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

I like to think I'm creating a better future and ending.
Larry E.

8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am positive most of the time. There is still always room for improvement.

5:54 AM  

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