What's Your Financial Blueprint Set For?
Have you ever noticed that when successful people lose their money, they seem to get it all back and then some shortly afterwards? Donald Trump lost his entire fortune and got it all back and more shortly afterwards.
The main reason for this is that even if successful people lose all of their money, they still have their Millionaire Mind. Their financial blueprint is set for success.
In fact, if all of a sudden Donald Trump had only one million dollars to his name, do you think he’d feel successful? Of course not, he’d feel a failure. Donald Trump doesn’t have a Millionaire Mind. He has a Billionaire Mind!
What’s your Financial Blueprint set for? Some people’s blueprint is set for millions of dollars. Others are set for hundreds of thousands. Still others are set for thousands. Some are set for hundreds. And some are set for negative!
You can never outgrow your blueprint. However, by being aware that you have a blueprint, and understanding how it developed, you can modify it, and grow it into the blueprint you truly want.
Your blueprint was established at an early age. It was based on what you heard about money and wealth as a child; what you saw related to money and wealth while growing up; and what you experienced about money and wealth in your early years.
As human beings, we learn by modeling. Have you ever heard the expression “Monkey See, Monkey Do?”. Well, humans aren’t far behind.
So, what did you hear about money and wealth growing up? Did you hear things like Money is the root of all evil? Money doesn’t buy happiness? Money doesn’t grow on trees? You have to work hard for your money? What am I made of, Money? Rich people are bad? Rich people are greedy? Rich people are snobs? Rich people take advantage of others?
Whatever you heard about money and wealth while you were growing up were stored and filed away in your subconscious mind as fact. And believe it or not, those exact thoughts are what drive your thinking today.
What did you see when it came to money and wealth? How did your parents deal with money? Did only one control the money? Did they manage their money? Did they invest their money? Did they have a steady income? Did they spend all their money?
You were influenced by what you saw as a child in regards to managing money. And those thoughts and ideas still run your life today.
Finally, what did you experience as a child when it comes to money. Harv tells the story about a student at the Millionaire Mind Intensive who explained that when she was 10 years old, she was having dinner with her parents in a restaurant, and they were arguing about money. All of a sudden her Dad turned bright red, had a heart attack and died on the spot. The student had always associated pain with money since.
Do you realize that a great many of the ideas and truths you hold in your mind were planted there when you were young, and that in fact, they aren’t truths at all. You are guided by these false truths, and especially in the area of finances, these false truths are the foundation of your financial blueprint.
Fortunately, you can choose to create your blueprint from the perspective of an adult. You can choose to replace old, inaccurate thinking with new beliefs based on sound reasoning.
If you want to be rich and successful, you must think like someone who is rich and successful. You must begin to understand their mindset, and model their positive attributes.
“Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” is Harv’s attempt to separate the thinking of the rich compared to the middle class and the poor. He refers to “wealth files” that demonstrate how the rich and successful look at life versus the other groups. Few of the ideas and principles in the book are unique or new. For the most part, you probably have already heard many of them. Regardless, they are all together in this terrific book, and if you read and study and APPLY these concepts in your life, you will be financially successful.
More importantly, you will be happy! Because the success really comes in the personal growth you’ve experienced. You had to grow into the person capable of attaining and managing your financial success. You created your own “Millionaire Mind” financial blueprint, and no one can ever take that away from you.
Do you have a financial blueprint that will take you where you want to go? Do you want to know if you do?
Look at your results. Look at what your financial life is today. It is nothing more than the physical results of your financial blueprint. If you don’t like the results, you will need to change your blueprint.
Make no mistake about it, there’s more to life than money. The fact is, however, that nothing can take the place of money in the areas where money is important. It’s like asking, which is more important, your arm or your leg? They’re both important. So remember that success is about a lot more than money, but money is an important part of living in a civilized society.
Napoleon Hill wrote that “What the mind of Man can conceive and believe, the mind of Man can achieve.” You wouldn’t have dreams about becoming financially free if you weren’t capable of achieving it. You can do it. If you’re on your way, great. If not, it’s never too late to start. Keep on coming back here, because we’re all going to climb into the top 5%! Setting your blueprint at that level is the first step.
I took the first step to become financially free by attending the MMI. I still review the information and put it in to action in my life in every way possible.
My blueprint needs to be reset higher!
Larr E.
I need to be more aware of my blueprint and stop myself when I have thoughts that are not of a millionaire mind.
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