Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Did you realize this?

If you want to join the elite top 5% of the population who are achieving financial freedom and success in all areas of their life, then pay close attention.

To join this small but extremely happy group of people, you have to separate yourself from the vast majority of the crowd, and distinguish yourself as someone who understands the difference between mediocrity and success.

A successful life is nothing more than the accumulation of successful years. A successful year is nothing more than the accumulation of successful months, weeks, days, hours and minutes.

Since you can only live life one moment at a time, your job is to make sure you do each task during each day to the best of your ability. Enough successful tasks make up a successful day, and so on, and so on.

You also need to realize that you must focus your time and attention on doing those tasks that are most important in moving you towards your dreams and goals. Otherwise, you may be working hard, but you certainly won’t be working smart.

Suppose that you want to learn how to improve your marketing skills. You have decided that for you to achieve your bigger goals in life, having the ability to sell and market effectively will greatly increase your chances for success.

So, you begin to assemble a plan on how you intend to improve in this area. You identify the books, tapes and seminars that will provide you with the details you need to learn to become an expert in the art of sales and marketing. Equally important, if not most important, you find a mentor who can help you, coach you, critique you, practice with you, and make sure that you are on the right track. You may even find a group to join that is dedicated to helping one another succeed in sales and marketing.

After some research, you realize that it’s going to take 300 hours of study and practice and effort to achieve this goal.

Obviously, this isn’t a project you can complete in a day. So you begin to break it down into smaller pieces, and you decide that if you work at it for 1 hour a day, in 300 days you will have achieved your 300 hours of study.

At the end of the 300 days, if you’ve been focused enough, you’re marketing skills will be among the top 5%. You have taken the time and exercised the discipline to reach this goal. Once you have it, you have it for life. It can never be taken from you. You are that much further along on the road to your overall success.

No one day was more important than the next in the achievement of this goal. It was the steady, consistent effort on a daily basis that got you through it.

On the other hand, if you have spent your time in a haphazard fashion, you may have completed only a small portion of this project over the 300 days, and be nowhere near where you intended to be.

Fact: That is exactly what happens to most people. They may know what they want to do. They may even know how to do it. But the key ingredient missing is the DOING. Most people simply fail to DO what they know they need to. Or, if they actually do it, they put in a halfhearted effort, thinking more about what they’re going to have for lunch than concentrating on the job at hand.

Time is fleeting. Days can go by, and if you aren’t focused, you will accomplish little to nothing to move forward towards reaching your dreams and goals.

Remember this saying, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step". The fact is, you can't possibly travel the thousand miles in one step. But if you are consistent about taking the next step, nothing in the world can stop you from eventually reaching your goal. Do you get it? I hope you do.

Everyday, you have the opportunity to move forward in the areas of your life that you determine are the most important to you. Making sure you do the RIGHT tasks with the RIGHT mindset is critical to you in creating a successful day.

Make today a successful day. String together 7 successful days and you have a successful week. String together 52 successful weeks and you have a successful year. String together enough successful years and you have a successful life.

Make each day count. Don’t waste a second. Time is your most precious commodity. For you to join the elite top 5% of the population you have to develop the habits of the most successful people, and the proper use of your time each day is perhaps the most important of all.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prior to May 19th 2005, I had a lot of dreams, ambitions, excitement, and new that I was supposed to be something great. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for something to happen. Never really putting the action part of the equation in to play. Well guess what, after all of that sitting around, something finally happened, I was diagnosed with CANCER.

From that moment and to this day, when I have something I want to do, I do it. I don't wait for it anymore, I go after it with a drive that I didn't realize I had. I will continue with this drive until the day I die, and when that happens, I will have inspired others to carry the flag.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

I get it. Efficient time management is essential.
Larry E.

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is too short. It is like an opportunity. You say to yourself that you will take that next step after you finish with the final step and you never go back and complete it. You can never get that opportunity again. Its lost

6:33 AM  

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