Too Good To Be True???
I remember watching a program where a man was offering $5 bills to anyone who wanted one. He was simply standing on a street corner, and as people would walk by he’d ask if they wanted $5.
A few people would say “sure”, and he’d hand it to them. Others would ask “what’s the catch?”, and a lot of people just walked passed him, ignoring him completely.
In today’s world, where there are so many scams out there, it pays to be cautious. It’s easy to become very cynical and untrusting.
Why do you think that is?
Read the following closely, because you will learn something of incredible value that can change your life forever.
Your conditioned mind is like your sentry. It’s like the lookout on a ship. It’s like the worried mother. The most important responsibility of your conditioned mind is SURVIVAL, and therefore it’s primary function is PROTECTION.
“Look out for this!” “Watch out for that!” “What if this happens??” Your conditioned mind wants to protect you from harm. As a result, it worries about every conceivable “what if” scenario that it can dream up. And it’s a pro at it.
Your conditioned mind wants to keep things exactly the same. It wants to maintain the status quo. It wants as little uncertainty in your life as possible. Anything NEW brings uncertainty. Anything UNKNOWN brings uncertainty. That’s why MAKING A CHANGE is always so difficult for almost everyone.
We are all the most at ease when we are in our “comfort zone”. And our conditioned mind wants us to always stay in our comfort zone.
Unfortunately, we can only grow when we stretch ourselves, when we go BEYOND our comfort zone.
So, what holds us back from growing? What stops us from achieving more? Why aren’t we living the life of our dreams?
I hope you realize, it’s your conditioned mind. It will talk you out of doing things that can help you grow, help you prosper, help you succeed, help you get rich!
For the most part, your conditioned mind is not your ally. It’s your ENEMY! It means well, like the overbearing mother, but it holds you back from reaching your peak potential.
It took me a long time to realize that the “little voice” inside my head wasn’t interested in my success, just my survival. But once I understood it’s job, it made it much easier for me to say “thank you for sharing”, and then proceed to go ahead with the confidence that I was doing the right thing.
If you want to achieve true happiness and success in your life, you must understand how your mind works, and learn to control it rather than have it control you. Otherwise, you will never stretch yourself beyond your current comfort zone, and until you do, your life is stuck exactly where you’re at.
Those who rise to the top 5% understand this. They realize that if you’re not growing, if you’re not stretching yourself beyond your current comfort zone, your dying.
It’s a law of nature. You’re either growing, or your dying. If you doubt that, look at a plant. Either it’s growing or it’s what? You are a part of nature.
You might find an opportunity that can open up tremendous doors for you. The question is, do you have the courage to go through it, or will you be overtaken by the doubts of your conditioned mind and stop?
Those in the top 5% aren’t afraid to explore new opportunities. They’re not afraid to take action. They have the confidence that if they need to adjust to the situation they can. They’re constantly moving forward.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how courageous are you? Are you willing to act in spite of the fear that your conditioned mind throws at you all day long?
Know your enemy! It's your conditioned mind! Learn how to master it and control it, and you'll win the game!
When I first heard about this program on the radio it sounded intriguing.
When I followed up on the program in person, I was definitely skeptical, as I'm cynical and untrusting by virtue of my job.
After learning more about the program, I can't wait until I'm at the point where I can BANK ON MYSELF!!!
When it's true it's even better than good.
Larry E.
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