How to make your dreams a reality…
A worthy goal is something you actually have to WORK at in order to achieve it. For most people, getting up in the morning is hardly a worthy goal. Coasting through life, doing just enough to get by, settling for the minimum and simply accepting what life dishes out to you is not the mindset of a successful person.
Getting in great shape. For many that’s a worthy goal. So is…..maintaining a healthy weight….having a healthy diet…..creating a great marriage…….being a terrific parent…developing and maintaining fantastic friendships….making a positive difference in the lives of others….becoming financially free….building your own business….learning to be an expert in your field….traveling the world….playing a musical instrument…learning a new language….retiring young….volunteering your time…running a marathon….and on and on…these are all worthy goals.
The one thing all of these have in common is that you actually have to take some ACTION to turn your goals into reality.
Since you get to choose your goals, choose them carefully. Prioritize them. There are only 24 hours in the day, so you can only accomplish so many goals at a time.
Is it worth it to take the time to identify the goals you want to accomplish in your life? In the opinion of the world’s most successful people, not only is it worth it, without it, life has no meaning.
If you want to have a life of purpose, a life of happiness, fulfillment, fun, energy and passion, take the time to identify the things that are worthy of your efforts. Make your list and read it every morning and every night. Think about your goals frequently. Dream about them. Imagine how you’ll FEEL when you achieve them, and what your life will be like when you reach your goal. Over time, you will develop a BURNING DESIRE for its attainment.
Once you have your list, add all the details to each goal. If you want to be financially free, decide how much you want to earn, and when you intend to earn it. If you want to lose weight, decide how much you want to lose, and by when. The more details you attach to your goal, the better.
Finally, research has shown that less than 3% of all people have written goals. And for the most part, these 3% accomplish more than the remaining 97% combined!
In the final analysis, if you truly want to live your dreams, decide on your goals, write them down, add as many details as you can, emotionalize them, think about them constantly and develop a BURNING DESIRE for their attainment. The day that you do, your life will be changed forever.
I am working on fine tuning all of the items I have on my list. Adding more detail to them.
I too am making a goal of writing, reviewing and adding to my goals daily.
Larry E.
This is essentially dream visualization. Great idea and will help in the overall process.
I need to fine tune my list. I keep adding and mixing details with goals. This will be an onging process.
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