Saturday, October 15, 2005

What would you do….

If you knew you could not fail?

Seriously, what would you do?

Let your imagination run wild. If you believed that whatever you set out to do you could accomplish, what kind of accomplishments would you shoot for?

Well….guess what? What’s stopping you now?

Only 3% of all people achieve financial freedom. Do you want to be one of them?

Less than 10% of all people are truly happy. Do you want to be one of them?

You can be. You should be. And if you continue to read my blog and other self help information you will have absolutely no excuse for not reaching your peak potential.

Here’s a secret that can change your life. The only thing that is stopping you from being the most amazing person ever… you. Your mind. Your ego. Get out of your own way, and let your life soar.

You need to know that once you make up your mind about what you want to be or to have or to do, forces will come to your aid to make it happen. All of the solutions to all the challenges you face are there for you.

Do you want to become financially free? Lots of people are doing it today. So can you.

Do you want to travel around the world? Lots of people are doing it. So can you.

So here’s an assignment for you to do. Immediately after reading this post, find a quiet place for 10 to 20 minutes and write down what you would truly want in your life if you knew you couldn’t fail. THINK BIG. And then rank them in terms of your priorities. You will now have a list of the most important things in your life that you would like to have or be or do.

At Peak Potentials Training, Harv Eker has a saying……”how you do anything is how you do everything”. If you read this and don’t do the instructions, then you can be sure you need to change your HABITS if you want to be successful. No one can help you if you don’t have a DESIRE to change for the better.

The list is a starting point for your exciting journey. It’s critical that you reach into your heart and soul and discover what it is you really want. Give it the attention it deserves. We’ll talk about what to do with the list next time.



P.S. I’m heading to LA to begin some work with a new corporate client, and may not have a chance to blog for a few days. But keep checking in, I’ll be back again as soon as I can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:48 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

This is good. Lists allow direction and identifies goals.
Larry E.

10:26 PM  
Blogger Howard said...

It is great to put things down on paper. It formalizes some things, almost makes them more official and makes the writer accountable to his own words. Great exercise.

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good, This allows some of the ideas to become visualized.
Bob M.

6:20 AM  

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