Friday, December 16, 2005

Jack of All Trades.....

Have you ever heard the expression, “The jack of all trades and the master of none?”

One of the key components to success is to have specialized knowledge. The experts in any field are the ones who experience the most success, the most notoriety, and the most income.

Specialized knowledge is the result of focus. When someone chooses to become an expert in their area of interest, they focus their time and effort in acquiring the knowledge and experience necessary to master it.

The average individual does 100 things once. The master does one thing 100 times. Think about that for a moment. Repetition is the key to learning anything, and the more focus you place in repeating anything, the more you master it.

This is true in any field, for any person.

If you want to achieve success on a grand scale, you must become a master in your area of interest. Even more importantly, you must learn to become a master at sales and marketing.

In my career, I have seen tremendously talented people who never achieve the level of success that they should. They have tremendous potential, but can never seem to break through and create the income and success that could be theirs. And the primary reason is because they failed to learn how to sell and market.

The Law of Compensation states that your income will be in direct proportion to the quantity and quality of the products and services you deliver to the marketplace. Notice I didn't say produce. I said deliver. It doesn't matter how much you produce. It matters how much you sell of what you produced.

If you are a salaried employee, your income is capped. There is a ceiling to how much you can earn in a year. Sure there may be a bonus at year-end, but for the most part, you know almost to the penny what you will earn. Your primary incentive is to work hard enough to maintain your job.

If you really want to achieve financial success in a relatively short time, you have to eliminate all limits to your income. That means that you have to begin to think in terms of a businessman or businesswoman.

Suppose you are an accountant, a CPA. I have known many over my career. The ones who have achieved the greatest financial success are not generally the best technical accountants. They’re the ones who know how to BRING IN THE BUSINESS. They know how to attract clients. They are referred to as the RAINMAKERS. Once the clients are on board, they can hand over the technical aspects to their staff, and simply review the work afterwards. In fact, their staff may have more technical abilities than they do, and in many instances, they do. But while the staff earns a salary, the owner gets wealthy.

The highest paid people in the world are business people. And the best business people are the ones who know how to sell and market. It doesn’t really matter how skilled you are in your profession if you have no clients to serve.

During my time at Peak Potentials Training, I had the opportunity to work with one of the greatest marketers and salesmen I have ever known in Harv Eker. Harv has the ability to generate sales in abundance. He is a master. He has taken the time to learn how to create a desire in his prospects to take action, open up their checkbooks, whip out their credit cards, and make a buying decision. I used to watch in awe as he would make an offer from the stage during one of his programs, and have people literally running to the back of the room to spend thousands of dollars.

Harv Eker has countless speaking engagements. Not only does he appear at his own events, he makes himself available to speak at other people’s engagements. He has performed his presentations so many times that he could do them in his sleep. And everywhere he speaks, he sells.

Make no mistake about it; Harv is a brilliant speaker and trainer. His unique style strikes a chord with almost everyone who sees him. He under promises and over delivers. He emits a tremendous amount of energy that people gravitate to. He has a great sense of humor. He is a genuinely nice guy. In my opinion, Harv is a creative genius.

More than anything else, Harv is a phenomenal businessman, and more specifically, he is a master marketer and salesman. He understood long ago the key to financial success is in the ability to influence people, to create a desire in his prospects so great that they gladly take action to buy what he is offering.

Do you have the ability to move people to take action? Can you create a desire in people so strong that they willingly buy what you have to offer?

I have some exciting news for you! You can make up your mind in this instance that you are going to acquire this skill. You can decide right now that you are going to be a master at sales and marketing. You can create a plan to FOCUS your time and effort to become an expert in this area.

How? Look to the most successful and model them. That’s what Harv did. He found out who the best of the best were. He read their books. He bought their tapes. He went to their workshops and seminars. He practiced and refined his skills. And most important, HE TOOK ACTION. He continually improved his skills and his presentation. He focused on becoming a master of sales and marketing. You can do the exact same thing.

If you make one New Years resolution for 2006, resolve that you are going to spend time everyday becoming an expert in sales and marketing. I promise you that if you do, next year at this time, your life will be transformed.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

After attending the MMI in Denver, I am very excited at the prospect of going to another seminar involving sales and marketing.

In fact, I used to be in sales for a couple of years. I was good at it, but never pursued it.


9:02 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

Are we not all in sales?
Larry E.

9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sales comes naturally for some. I continue to learn from my missed opportunities.

6:26 AM  

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