Sunday, November 13, 2005

DON'T Think and Grow Rich.....

It’s a perfect Sunday in Phoenix, and Sue and I have just returned from a fantastic hike into the Phoenix Mountain Preserve. The sky is blue, not a cloud anywhere, and the temperature is in the mid 70’s. If you’ve ever been to Phoenix in the fall, you know why this is such a popular place to live.

Sue was wearing her “Don’t Think” shirt from Peak Potentials. Written all over her shirt are the words “Don’t think” repeated over and over again. People on the hiking trail are asking her what it means?

I remember hearing Harv Eker once say from stage that he was seriously thinking of writing a book and calling it “Don’t think and grow rich”. His theory is that most of us have a tendency to overthink and overanalyze every situation.

The one thing we all need to understand is that whatever it is we hope to accomplish has more than likely already been done. All we need to do is learn what works from those who have already done it and then duplicate that exact same system.

Here’s where we have a tendency to screw up. Instead of just taking the existing system, which is proven to work in the real world, we think of how we can improve it and make it even better. Before you know it, we’ve outsmarted ourselves, and moved away from the plan.

Imagine buying a McDonald’s franchise, and deciding that you were going to use a different system to make the burgers because you think they’ll taste better. No way! It isn’t going to happen. You are going to follow the system that has been tested and proven to work in the real world. You don’t have to do any thinking, just follow the system.

So the “Don’t think” statement is to remind you not to overthink the system. Find something that works, and just do it exactly the way it is meant to work. Once you’ve made your fortune doing things the tried and proven way, then if you want to try things your own way, have at it.

Think about finding a system that produces a profit, a repeatable process that you can do over and over again that produces a real profit in the real world. Once you’ve found it, all you need to do is continue to repeat the process as often as you can, and you’re on you’re way to financial freedom.

I happen to agree with Harv about the “Don’t think” attitude. At the same time, I happen to be in agreement with Napoleon Hill who believes you can “Think and Grow Rich”. There’s a fine line distinguishing the two philosophies, and I believe that they can co-exist in harmony.

I encourage all of you to both think and grow rich, and DON’T think and grow rich. Just know when to do one and when to do the other.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have found that being very analytical has both helped and hurt me. In my "JOB", it has paid dividends. In my financial life it has not. Over analysis is paralysis.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

Overthinking has cost me. In golf you can get paralysis from analysis. It can prevent a smooth swing.
Larry E.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Howard said...

I think overthinking can be a wall we put up or allow to be put up when on the path to overall wealth. It can be a self installed stall method stopping us from taking real action. It's wall crushing time.

7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When it comes to analyizing I tend to take it too far and lose sight of my goal. Most of the time the answer is to step back and look at the whole picture before proceeding. Easy to say now.

9:19 AM  

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