One Habit You Must Develop....
The most powerful of all the universal laws is the law of cause and effect. If you’ve been reading this blog, you have seen reference to it on a number of occasions.
Why is the law of cause and effect so critical to your success and happiness in life? Since it is so important to your life, making certain that you understand and apply this law in your life may well determine whether you live the life of your dreams, or whether you live a life of struggle and unhappiness.
You might as well understand right now, no matter how many good ideas you have, no matter how brilliant they are, no matter how much money and success they could bring you, until you begin to take action, you will not see any results. Good ideas are a dime a dozen. It’s implementing those ideas that make all the difference.
You are responsible for not only coming up with sound ideas. You are also responsible for putting those ideas into action. You are responsible for creating the “cause”. The “effects”, or the results of your efforts are what the Universe will return to you.
If you put out a very small amount of effort, you should expect a very small result. If you want a massive amount of results, then you need to be prepared to put out a massive amount of effort. The law is very strict. If you want a lot, you must first put in a lot.
That’s why it is critical for you to develop the habit of taking action. Action should become one of the most important words in your vocabulary. Nothing of any value comes to you without you first taking action.
If you know what you want out of life, you can create plans to get it. The most successful people in recorded history have all followed this approach. When you study these high performance individuals, they all have this one particular habit above all else.
THEY MAKE DECISIONS. They don’t procrastinate. Once they know where they want to go, they begin to look for the best ways to reach their objective. They gather the necessary facts to make an informed decision. Once they have enough facts, they make a decision and ACT. They don’t ‘think about it” for months or weeks, they make a decision and take immediate action.
What kind of a decision maker are you? Do you put off making decisions waiting to see if something better is going to come along? Are you afraid to make a decision fearing you’ll make the wrong one? Do you feel as though you can’t make a decision because you don’t know every answer to every question on the subject?
Successful people aren’t afraid to take action realizing they might not have all the answers. They realize that if they wait until they have all the answers they will never move forward. They have faith and belief in themselves that if they need to make adjustments along the way, they have the ability to make the necessary changes to keep them on track.
Reflect on the last time you needed to make a decision. Were you decisive? Did you gather up enough facts to form an opinion and then act on it, or did you wait to “think about it some more?”
At Peak Potentials, Harv Eker has a favorite quote, “Ready, fire, aim.” It’s time you adopted this philosophy.
Your goal is to be happier and wealthier. You want to join the elite 5% of all people who achieve amazing success. Your ability to make a decision and to act on it will determine to a great extent the level of success you will achieve. Practice the habit of making decisions and acting on them. Only then will you begin to see the results you want in your life.
I can't tell you how many times I have procrastinated. I don't anymore.
If there is something I want/need to do, I don't wait... I DO IT.
I do think I have overthought too much. It's the over analysis causing paralysis problem.
The secret is to know how much to know to start the cause.
Larry E.
I need to make quicker decisions and act upon them. Spending too much time analizing a move and its to late.
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