The Value of Knowledge.....
Would you like to be happy and excited most all the time?
The secret is in developing a burning desire to learn.
I’m not the type of person who can sit down and read a novel. It’s just not me. On the other hand, if I find a book about making better use of time, or how to network better, or communicate better, or market better, or invest better, or improve in almost any area of my life, then I’m going to make the time to read that book.
At Peak Potentials, Harv Eker teaches a money management system that is simple, yet incredibly effective. It’s a major part of “winning the money game.”
Included in the system is allocating 10% of your monthly income into your personal “educational” fund. What does that mean? It means that if you bring home $2,000 a month after all taxes and deductions, you are going to budget $200 (10%) for either books or cd’s or tapes or seminars or coaching. You invest these dollars into yourself, by educating yourself in the areas that are critical to you.
For most people, this is a totally foreign concept. “Budget money for more education? What for? I already know enough.” When you hear that little voice in your head start telling you these stories, it’s time for you to take control, and believe and know that the really happy, successful people understand the value of constant learning.
In this equation, there are 2 critical components to success. The student must be willing and eager to learn. The teacher must be an expert in the field.
The bigger challenge that most people face, is that most people don’t know what they want. And until they figure out what they want out of life, they don’t know what they need to master in order to get it. It’s like playing golf without any holes, or playing hockey without any nets.
Once you know what your definite life’s purpose is, you will never run out of things to learn about that will move you towards your goal.
But understand for sure, that no matter what it is you want to achieve in this world, the better your level of knowledge in your areas, the more successful you are likely to be.
I have such a burning desire to learn that I can't shut my brain off most of the time when needed. Like at night when it's time to be in bed (Currently 2200 hours).
Learning, it's one of my daily requirements.
Larry E.
It never leaves the brain. You always want to make yourself better.
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