Saturday, November 12, 2005

Think and Grow Rich.......

One of my all time favorite authors is Napoleon Hill. If you’ve not heard of him, Napoleon Hill was perhaps the greatest student of the laws of success ever. He wrote many outstanding books during his time, and perhaps the best of the bunch was “Think and Grow Rich”.

A favorite quote from that book that is often used by others is that “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” The book is a classic, and must reading for anyone who has a desire for financial success.

Napoleon Hill was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie to devote 20 years of his life in studying and documenting the lives of the most financially successful people of that era. In the early 1900’s, Andrew Carnegie was among the wealthiest men in the world, and had influence with virtually every significant businessman, inventor and politician of the day. Through Carnegie, Napoleon Hill was able to meet and interview hundreds of the world’s wealthiest and influential people, and document the results of those meetings.

As a result of his efforts, Hill was able to identify the common characteristics that many of the people he interviewed demonstrated. He then spent the better part of his adult life writing and lecturing about what he had learned. He came up with a set of principles that when applied in unison and on a consistent basis, virtually guarantee success in any undertaking, provided it doesn’t violate the laws of God and man.

I’ve read “Think and Grow Rich” at least a half a dozen times over the past 30 years, and listened to tapes and cd’s of the book countless other times.

Napoleon Hill is no longer with us. But his foundation is still strong and flourishing. In fact, I subscribe to their daily quote that arrives in my email first thing every morning. What’s amazing is that the messages are provided free, and I have never received any solicitation from them for anything.

Every day, when I open my email, I read an inspirational quote and follow up paragraph from Napoleon Hill designed to improve some area of my life. At this point, I believe I’ve read every message they provide, but I never get tired or bored of reading them over again. And it’s a great way to start my day.

If you’re like me and want to get the most out of yourself, I encourage you to subscribe to this quote of the day from the Napoleon Hill Foundation. You can do so simply by going to and providing your email address. The price is right….its FREE. So prove to yourself that you are going to become more proactive in your life and DO IT NOW!

In fact, there are several web sites where you can download the book “Think and Grow Rich” for free. I almost hesitate to tell you this, because human nature is to value something to the extent that you invest in it. If we get something for free, we tend not to value it as much as if we had to pay something for it. But if you are genuinely interested in reaching your full financial potential, I encourage you to go to any search engine, and enter “Free Think and Grow Rich Download”. You’ll find several sites where you can get the ebook.

Every one of us can grow to our peak potential. When you begin to focus on this idea, you will begin to realize that all the tools you need are right there waiting for you to tap into. I sincerely hope you develop a burning desire to be the very best you can in every area of your life. The Napoleon Hill Foundation is one avenue to help get you there.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went ahead and dropped a few dollars on buying the book "Think and Grow Rich", I had a 25% off coupon.

8:47 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

I'm thinking I will read it again very soon.
Larry E.

10:10 PM  
Blogger Howard said...

It's great to have knowledge you believe in and want to re enforce constantly.
Like Harv Eker says, knowledge is not necessarily power but rather, it's what we do with it.
Hill is certainly a great place to start the accumulation of valuable knowledge we can use in our action towards personal overall wealth.

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought the book before I read this blog. I am glad to have the book. You know after reading the book you will read it again and again.

9:13 AM  

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