Understanding Your Odds.......
Millions of people have purchased and read Think and Grow Rich, and it is considered perhaps the greatest book ever written on the subject of creating wealth. The Napoleon Hill Foundation still exists today, and his teachings are offered to many. Yet of all the people who have read Think and Grow Rich, only a small %, probably less than 5% acquired wealth as a result.
That doesn’t make Napoleon Hill any less of a master in this area, that’s just human nature. It wasn’t Napoleon Hill’s fault that 95% failed to take action on his teachings.
When I was working with Harv Eker at Peak Potentials Training, we often had 1,500 to 2,000 people attend the 3 day Millionaire Mind Intensive. This program is designed to educate people how to “win the money game” and to develop a millionaire mindset by understanding how rich people think compared to middle class and poor people.
By the time the event was winding up, generally 99% of the participants were sky high emotionally. They had undergone an amazing 3 days, thought about things they might have never or rarely thought about, felt emotions that they had probably forgotten, experienced many major breakthroughs, developed new friends, and had an exciting, fresh outlook on life.
But I can tell you that of these 2,000 people, within a month, 1,900 of them were back to being their old selves and had forgotten everything they had learned at the MMI. The remaining 100 were still moving forward and attempting to incorporate what they learned into their lives. Three months later, maybe 50 of them are still working at it.
That’s human nature. Those are the odds. It doesn’t make Harv any less of a master in this area. It wasn’t Harv’s fault that 95% failed to take action on his teachings.
The fact of the matter is that most people say they want to become wealthy. Most people say they want to learn to be wealthy. And once people are taught what to do, most people will immediately think to themselves that it’s way too much effort, and that’s the end of that.
You can choose virtually any well known speaker/trainer, such as Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Dale Carnegie, Brian Tracy, and on and on and on, and if you actually do what they tell you to, you will be successful. Just pick one and actually do what they tell you to, and you will be successful.
In fact, you will notice that most of them are all saying pretty much the same things. The principles and ideas have been around forever. You’ll find most of them in the Bible.
Each speaker has a unique style for getting their message across, and sometimes you have to hear things expressed different ways before the ideas actually sink in.
Now the critical question here is this, do you want to be a part of the 5% or the 95%? Do you want to become the kind of person capable of being in the top 5%?
Would you like to know the way to improve your odds of making it into the top 5%? I can tell you first hand from my days at Peak Potentials Training, the ones who were really going gangbusters and transforming their lives all had one thing in common.
This one thing has made more of a difference than anything else the most successful are doing. And you will be reading more about this one thing in my next post.
I learned early on in my cancer treatment that the odds were stacked against me. It's like being in Vegas.... the odds this, the odds that.
Look at weather forecasting. When they say there's a 20% chance of rain today, everyone get's out the umbrella's. To me, that means that there is an 80% chance that it's not going to rain.
When the doctors told me that I had less than a 50% chance of living, I shook my head and said NO DOC you've got it all wrong, I have better than a 50% of making it.
As a matter of fact, there is a 100% chance that I will make it. Just like there is a 100% chance that I will win the money game.
To us against all odds!
Larry E.
I am done with the eay way out. I have seen may points of view come across as the same point.
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