Do You Want to Improve Your Chances For Success by 1000%?
Virtually everyone who attends the event has a terrific time. They’ll go home and tell all of their friends and family what a life changing experience it was. They’ll talk about all the things they learned. They’ll contact the new friends they developed during the program. On a scale of 1 to 10, the vast majority of the participants leave the event at a psychological 9 or 10.
But within a very short period of time, they return to their previous lives, never to see the benefits of the knowledge they learned at the program. This is true regardless what program we are talking about, or who the trainer/speaker was.
Yet, a handful, take this knowledge and never look back. They make monumental strides and make improvements in their lives that transform them forever.
While I was the Director of Operations and CFO for Peak Potentials, I was curious to know what was unique about the small 5% that take their lives to the next level and use the knowledge they learned to propel their lives onward and upward.
I noticed that most people, once back in their own environment, immediately fall back into their old habits and patterns. If they were lazy before the seminar, they go right back to being lazy afterwards. If they were disorganized beforehand, that’s what they revert back to. Those who had no goals or ambitions prior to the event lose their ambition soon after they return to their normal life.
For the vast majority of these people, when I ask them what happened to all of their enthusiasm and intentions, they’ll inevitably answer, “I don’t have the time”, or “I don’t have the money”, or “It’s too difficult”, or "I'll get around to it", or any one of hundreds of excuses. And that’s exactly what they are, EXCUSES!
When I hear these people, I just shake my head, because there is nothing anyone can say that is going to help them. They are stuck in their rut, and aren’t willing to make the effort to make the changes necessary to reach their dreams. Sure, if someone hands it to them on a silver platter they’ll gladly accept it, but if it means getting out of their comfort zone, making the extra effort, sacrificing free time now for success later, that’s not for them.
Then there are the few who never return to their previous life. They have been able to take the knowledge and momentum that was generated at the program, and build on it once they get home. The big difference with the vast majority of these successful people is that THEY GET HELP.
When I heard of MMI graduates making huge strides in their lives and achieving their goals, the overwhelming majority of them had CHOSEN TO WORK WITH A COACH.
To become successful in any area of life, you need to develop SUCCESS HABITS. No matter what your goals and desires are, there is the successful way to do things that lead to successful results, and then, there are all the other ways that for one reason or another just don’t work.
Most people, with the rare exception, fall back into old habits quickly and easily. It’s not that their intentions aren’t sincere, that’s just human nature.
Finding the right coach, and working with that coach, seems to be the biggest difference between those who move on to success and happiness and those who don’t.
The right coach makes all the difference. Why? Just as a personal trainer helps you focus on your physical fitness, a personal coach helps you focus on all the critical areas of your life. And while having a personal trainer doesn’t guarantee you success in getting physically fit, those who work with one generally do much better than they would have on their own.
The right coach keeps you on track, reminding you of the things you need to be doing to achieve your goals and dreams. The coach is there to advise you, to remind you, to encourage you, to motivate you, to hold you to your commitments, to help you plan your time, to push you, to stimulate your thinking, to cheer you on. The coach will point out bad habits that need to be replaced, and good habits that need to be applied. And while the coach cannot do the things you must do to be successful for you, just as a personal trainer, the right coach can help you become more successful much faster than if you try and do it alone.
In every walk of life, I meet people who are excelling in their fields, and I am always amazed at how many of them have a coach or mentor. To these successful people, each of them will tell you that they credit the majority of their success to having a great coach who has guided them through their journey.
Surprisingly, working with a coach doesn’t have to be either very time consuming or expensive. The typical coaching session lasts between 30 minutes to 60 minutes. In most instances, it’s done over the phone. Coaching sessions are generally once a week. The average cost for a good coach starts at about $250 per month and goes up from there.
During the “Winning the Money Game” portion of the Millionaire Mind Intensive, a very specific money management system is taught. Included in that system is having an education fund where you invest a certain portion of your monthly income. Investing in your continued education is critical to anyone who sincerely wants to be successful. Investing in a coach is a gift you give to yourself because you are committed to your own success, and you want to maximize the likelihood of achieving it.
I have been using coaches and mentors my entire adult life. They have been a constant source of help and inspiration, and I know what impact they’ve had on me. If there is only one thing that you take away from reading this post, it’s that YOU IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF ACHIEVING THE SUCCESS YOU WANT IN YOUR LIFE DRAMATICALLY IF YOU COMMIT TO WORKING WITH A COACH.
I am passionate about my own personal and financial growth and development. It’s something I enjoy working at constantly, and I never get tired of learning more and sharing it with my friends and associates. Having spent the past 35 years of my life learning and studying the greatest teachers and trainers in the area of personal and financial growth, I believe I have a knowledge base few can match.
While at Peak Potentials Training, one of the business units that I got to know very well was SUCCESSTRACS, the coaching side of the business. With hundreds of coaches and thousands of students throughout the U.S., Canada and around the world, I saw first hand how the coaching business worked. I got to see how the coaching sessions were structured, and spoke with many SUCCESSTRACS students to get their feedback.
Based on that information, plus the knowledge I’ve gained talking with other successful coaches, I am now developing my own coaching program designed exclusively for those who are totally committed to joining the top 5%. I’m excited about introducing it early in 2006, and will begin coaching on a part time basis with a small group of clients.
Regardless whether you would be interested in working with me or any other coach, I sincerely hope you will consider finding and working with a coach in 2006. If you want to increase the odds of breaking away from the 95% who just don’t get it, and rising to the top 5% who are living their dreams, this one decision will have more of an impact on your life than any other decision you can make in the new year.
Even though it's not 2006 anymore, I'd have to say that you do a great job of coaching. Thanks for your help, and I look forward to your continued coaching.
Hey Coach,
you are a motivator!
Larry E.
You are a great Coach!
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