Monday, December 26, 2005

How do you manage your assets?

You, and every one of us, have assets. Those who dream of being in the top 5% understand that how they manage their MONEY and how they manage their TIME will have a huge bearing on how successful they are, and how long it will take.

Each of us has different financial situations. But all of us have exactly the same amount of time. We all have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 52 weeks a year.

Time is fleeting. You can’t store it away for later. Once the moment is gone, it’s gone forever. You either spend it on something that accomplished little or nothing, or invest it towards moving you closer to your dreams and goals.

If you want to live the life of your dreams, time must take on a whole new meaning.

You will realize very soon if you haven’t already, that for you to live the success that is awaiting you, you must invest the time in your life wisely.

You must understand how valuable your time is, and plan the use of it carefully.

Have you ever heard the expression “Some people work hard, some people work smart”?

The principles and the ideas I express on my blog have worked for me and thousands and thousands people, and I know that if you have an open mind and try these things out in your life that they’ll work for you too.

You want to work smart and hard. You want to make the very best use of your time always.

Are you aware of how you spend your time? Awareness is critical to change. You need to become conscious of what you do with your time.

And equally important, you need to be aware of how much you’re putting yourself into your time. How often are you operating at 100% efficiency, where you are so into what you are doing that you lose all track of time and completely focus on the task at hand.

A great beginning is to keep a time log for a week or two. Every hour, note what you did, and note what level of commitment you gave of yourself. If you were slacking for an hour when you know you should have been working, you might only give yourself a 10%. If you set aside an hour for a workout, and you really worked hard for the hour, then you might give yourself a score of 95% or even 100%.

Be honest with what you did, and how you did it. At the end of the week, you can begin to see where you have opportunities to improve the use of your time.

So as you begin to appreciate the value of time, you realize that by not planning it wisely, you spend and waste enormous amounts of time every day.

Once you become focused on what’s important in your life, you can make incredible strides forward with the proper planning and use of time. You can get more done in a year than many do in 10 years if you’ve got your goal and your plan and you know what to do.

2006 is right around the corner. I am pumped up about the upcoming year . I see 365 stepping-stones that will take me higher up the mountain of my journey. Every day is a golden jewel to be harvested and invested in.

Think about how you use your time. Think about how much more efficiently you could be using your time. Make a commitment to yourself that you are going to make a much greater investment in your time in the New Year.

If you do, 365 days from now, you will be amazed just how much you accomplished in a year.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've already started to manage my time more wisely to accomodate my new found desire to be financially free, in great shape, and whatever else I decide to do.


9:23 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

Time waits for no one.
Larry E.

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am constantly planning everyday for sales. Time can work for you or against you.

5:40 AM  

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