Monday, January 30, 2006

Don't Fall Into This Trap....

Are you here to LEARN?

If you’re like most people, you think you need to learn more and add more knowledge in order to be successful.

The fact is, what you really need to do is UNLEARN many of the ideas you hold in your mind as beliefs.

You are who you are and where you are in your life because of your thoughts and beliefs up until now. If you want to know what your thinking and beliefs are, look at your results in life. Are you as happy as you want to be? Are you as wealthy as you want to be? Are you as healthy as you want to be? Are you as successful as you want to be?

Everything you are today is a result of your thinking and beliefs. If you aren’t happy with your results, you will need to UNLEARN some of your beliefs and modify your thinking. It’s not what we don’t know that holds us back; it’s what we know that just ain’t so that is holding us back.

You have an opinion about everything. How you formed that opinion may have little or no logical explanation, or may well be based on faulty reasoning. Even worse, once you form an opinion about anything, it is almost impossible to change it.

Let me give you an example. When you were young, if a parent told you that you would never amount to anything, you might well have believed it, and from then on, you formed the opinion that you were a loser. Maybe your parent was just having a bad day and was angry with you when they said it. It doesn’t matter. You heard it, believed it to be true, and filed it in the memory banks of your mind. From then on, you believed you were a loser.

Maybe, when you were young, you heard something along the lines that only the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. Since you were poor when you heard it, you believe that you can never get rich. Only the rich get richer. Right?

Suppose you had an uncle who went into business for himself and went bankrupt. He told you never to go into business because they all fail. What’s your attitude going to be about being in business? But, what if that same uncle who went into business for himself became a millionaire and told you that if you have a good business plan and work smart, being a businessman is the best way to get rich. What’s your attitude going to be then?

Do you know when humans grow the most? In the first few years of our lives, we grow at exponential rates. By the time we’re in our late teens, our growing days are over. (except maybe our waistlines!)

Our minds and our beliefs also grow the most during our early years too. As kids, we learn at an accelerated rate. Everything is new to us. What we hear and see and experience forms our opinions about everything.

The problem of course, is that we are seeing life through the eyes and wisdom of a child. We don’t yet have the experience to create logical, rationale beliefs. But every moment of every day, while you were growing up, you were creating files with your opinions about everything you encountered throughout the day. And once those files were created, they became permanent unless you went back and revised those files later on in life. Unfortunately, that rarely ever happens.

Think about a file that you save on your computer. Every time you open that file, it will always give you the exact same information. It will never change, even if that file is 30, 40, 50 years old.

The only way you can change the file is to open it up, look at it, revise it, save it, and store it away.

It’s the exact same thing with your beliefs. They are simply files, stored in the memory banks of your mind.

Have you ever been guilty of saying or thinking “I KNOW THAT”? You hear or read something about a particular subject, and your inner voice says those 3 little words.

What happens to your mind when you think that? For most of us, as soon as we think that, we stop listening or thinking. Why? Why would your mind try and take you out of the game? Because the job of our mind isn’t designed for success. it's primary role is SURVIVAL, and therefore, it's primary job is PROTECTION. And so it will generally do whatever it can to keep things the same but let you think you are trying to change. Your mind will try and keep you in your old comfort zone.

Unfortunately, this is the trap we all fall into. We can never change our files if we always think that we already know everything.

For centuries, everyone “knew” that the earth was the center of the universe. It was a fact.

For centuries, everyone “knew” that the earth was flat. It was a fact.

Anyone who claimed otherwise was considered a lunatic.

FACT: much of what you believe today is just not so! And until you accept this fact, and become open minded to the idea that you need to revisit the files in your mind and reevaluate them from the perspective of an adult, you will continue to get out of life exactly what you’ve been getting up until now.

Do you get it? I hope you do.

Promise yourself from this day forward, that whenever you hear that little voice inside your head say, “I know that”, you’ll think to yourself, “Thank you for sharing”, and listen with an open mind to what is being discussed.

Having an open mind about everything is critical to you if you want to join the top 5%.

As Harv Eker says, “Don’t believe a word you say, don’t believe a thought you think”.

You will be learning about some incredible, success systems in the next few posts. These are the systems used by the top 5% to create wealth and success. Having an open mind is critical to your ability to take these systems and make them a permanent part of your life.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. It will transform your life if you’re ready.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff you are so right again about education. It’s not really necessary to have more knowledge. It’s more important that you know and understand how to apply the material you learned. I have a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering. Sadly to say, I have never used it. It is like a lot of intellectual furniture. Worse yet it didn’t help me one bit being an entrepreneur.

What did help me is learning great material like you talk about and learning how to apply it. It is the application of the material that will set you free.

To Your Success,
Andy Fuehl

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in the process of rewriting my files. I've done this by reading the Millionaire Mind. I'm currently reading Think and Grow Rich. I also have the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People and others. I'm getting rewired for success. I'm taking everything that I can from those books and actually applying everything that I can. I may have to go through them a few 100 times to get it done.

3:03 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

I am open to suggestions and ideas.
Larry E.

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree and see how the subconcious mind works. I have second guessed myself and let myself get transgress into a comfort zone. Never act upon it or realize I was reverting to a learned obervation from when I was younger.

7:00 AM  

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