Monday, February 06, 2006

You Gotta Have a System....

Can you imagine knowing that you are on your way to financial freedom and success in every area of your life, and there is nothing that can stop it from happening?

Think about how you’ll feel when you realize that you’ve found the keys to success and that from now on, you control your own destiny.

There is no greater feeling in the world than knowing that you are now in charge of your life, and that there are no more ceilings on what you are capable of achieving in any area of your life that is important to you.

Of course, let’s be reasonable. If you’re 55 years old and out of shape, you’re never going to be the heavyweight champion of the world no matter how hard to work at it.

But for the most part, the principles and ideas you are learning here will transform your life once you study them and adopt them as your own.

Today, you begin a brand new chapter in your life. Your life will never be the same once you learn the system we are going to be discussing in the next few sessions.

If you’ve been following along with this blog, you read that the one common characteristic of virtually all millionaires is that they are excellent money managers. Over the next while, you will begin learning the simplest, yet most effective money management system ever developed, and has been taught by Harv Eker to thousands upon thousands of students throughout North America at the Millionaire Mind Intensive Programs offered by Peak Potential Training.

Oh, and by the way, this system isn’t just being learned by those who are trying to build a financial foundation, but by millionaires who want to become multi-millionaires. It works equally well for virtually everyone.

Before we get into the details, let’s make sure we’ve laid the groundwork.

You’ve managed your money your way all of your life. Are you rich? Are you getting rich? Do you have a system that works?

For 95% of the general population, the answer to all of these questions is NO. Most people have never been properly educated in the correct management of their money.

You’d think that since it is such an important part of everyone’s life, somewhere along the way, the education system would have taught you how to be successful in this area. Somehow, that hasn’t happened. Everyone has been left to try and figure it out for themselves.

Do you think this may be the reason so few people achieve financial success? Could this be why so many people struggle financially their whole lives? You bet it is.

You are going to learn a system. It has been proven to work. If you simply do what the system tells you to do, you will not fail. But if you think you are smarter than the system, you will almost assuredly fail.

That’s one of the reasons why so many smart people fail. They think too much. They have to improvise. They’re certain that whatever the system is that they’re learning, they can improve it.

When I was the Director of Operations at Peak Potentials Training, we sold tee shirts that said, “DON’T THINK” all over it.

Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to DON’T THINK. At least until you’re a millionaire. Once you’ve got your million, if you want to, go ahead and think then.

McDonalds is a hugely successful franchise. They have their systems. Every single McDonalds restaurant that you go into will have the exact same menu, and serve the exact same burger cooked the exact same way.

If you buy a franchise, you’ll learn the McDonalds system. You don’t think. You simply do exactly what the system tells you to do. You learn the system until you can do it in your sleep. You don’t decide that you’ll find a bigger bun. You don’t decide that you’ll cook the fries in a different oil. You do what the system teaches you to do.


Because the system is proven. It works.

This is a critical lesson, not only for the money management system you’re going to be learning about, but also for every system you will learn in every area of your life.

You’ll be learning many systems that will guide you to the top. You’ll be learning the same systems used by the top 5%, and these systems separates them from the rest of the crowd.

You do understand, right? You don’t think, you simply follow the system.

Do you get it? I hope you do.

Read this post again. It’ll only take a couple of minutes at most.

Think about what you’ve read.

Promise yourself that you will learn the system and not change it. Remind yourself over and over again, DON’T THINK.

If you can be true to yourself, you can take a deep breath, relax, and put a huge grin on your face. Because once you overcome this hurdle, nothing will ever stop you again.

You can count on it.

Stay tuned. Some pretty exciting stuff is right around the corner!




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