Why an Entrepreneur?
Do you want to control your own destiny?
Chances are, you answered yes to both of those questions.
In fact, if you didn’t, I’m surprised you’re here at my blog!
I hope you want to join the elite top 5% who are living life to the fullest. Not just in the financial arena, but in every important area of your life.
Let me share a critical secret with you. Your discovery of it, and more important, your application of it in your life can have a HUGE impact on you.
Choose your friends and associates very carefully!
Surround yourself with people who are positive, supportive, and successful. You simply can’t have enough of those people in your life.
At the same time, avoid negative, unsupportive, going nowhere people like the plague! You simply can’t afford to have ANY of these people in your life.
While I was running Peak Potentials Training, I had the opportunity to meet thousands of people at our programs. I also got to know many of our guest trainers. And as a result I made a number of friendships along the way.
I’d like to tell you about one in particular.
His name is Andy Fuehl.
I met Andy at one of Peaks programs, and since he was from Phoenix as am I, we had that one thing in common. Andy gave me his business card and suggested any time I was back in Phoenix to give him a call.
At the time, I was spending 23-24 days every month up in Vancouver, Canada, where Peak Potential’s headquarters are located. And during the week that I was back home I was so busy catching up with personal stuff and still running Peaks that I just never had a chance to give Andy a call.
Last summer, after I was back in Phoenix for good, I contacted Andy. And I am so grateful that I did.
Andy is someone who made the transition from being a corporate manager to a very successful entrepreneur. He has partnered with giants like Dolf de Roos of real estate investment fame. He’s written outstanding books like “Wealth Without a Job”, which I highly encourage you to read. He conducts seminars on becoming a successful entrepreneur. He’s working on a new book deal. He’s created audio programs around sales and self-confidence. And most important to me, he and his wife Tamar are incredibly nice people. I am proud to call them my friends.
In the time I’ve known Andy, he is always learning and growing. Often, he’ll tell me about his next program that he’s going to in Las Vegas, or in L.A. or wherever. He’ll be going back to Chicago in the next week or two to record a program with the top company in the world in the field of business and personal growth and development. Then he’ll head over to the west coast for another seminar, before returning to Phoenix to conduct his own seminar in May.
Andy and I are on the same wavelength. We’re both passionate about our own growth, and helping others reach their full potential as well.
If you’ve read my recent posts, you know that one of my cornerstones to becoming financially free is to be an entrepreneur. It’s also one of Harv Eker’s, one of my mentors and good friend who is the president of Peak Potentials Training.
Why is becoming an entrepreneur held in such high regard?
Almost all of us have been trained since we were young, that to be successful, you had to go to school, get a good education, and then get a job.
Ever heard that one before?
But, honestly, what’s the truth? Is grabbing that “secure” job the best path to financial success? For the rare few, maybe. But for the majority, NO, NO, NO.
If you’re into security, which is a dirty word in my vocabulary, then there’s a very good chance you chose to go the job route.
Think about it.
When you were growing up, you went to school, right? Were your teacher’s employees or entrepreneurs? They were employees, and so that’s the mindset that they taught you from.
Eventually, you might have gone on to college. Were your professor’s employees or entrepreneurs? They were employees, and so that’s the mindset that they taught you from.
During your entire formal schooling years, you were being taught by employees.
Were you ever taught by entrepreneurs? Probably not!
Also, when you were younger, and you wanted money, and you went to your parents, what did they tell you? Go get a job. Right?
As a society, we’ve all been taught to go get a job. And for almost all of us, that’s what we’ve done.
How many people do you know who are employees AND are financially free? Probably none! In fact, in this day and age, how many people do you know who have been forced to retire, laid off, or fear being laid off by their company? Probably most everybody!
So much for security! We should really refer to it as job insecurity.
If you earn a salary, it will take you a lifetime to become financially free, and that’s if you’re lucky!
There has to be a better way! And there is!
You must remove the ceiling on your income. You have to put yourself into a position where there are no limits on your earning potential.
And becoming an entrepreneur is the best way in this day and age to make that happen.
Unfortunately, for most of us, we just don’t know what to do or how to do it. Because of that, we shy away from trying something as dramatic as starting our own business.
Also, do you think the tax laws in this country benefit the employee or the business owner? You will find numerous opportunities to reduce your taxable income once you are in a business of your own.
Promise yourself right now that you’re going to visit Andy’s site at http://wealthwithoutajob.com/ and begin to move in that direction.
As I’ve said before, I believe completely that there are 4 crown jewels to becoming financially free.
Passive income.
Money Management.
The Bank on Yourself program.
Becoming an Entrepreneur.
I am totally focused on helping you in the first 3 areas. I know that Andy can prepare you in the area of becoming an entrepreneur.
Join the elite top 5%! Take control of your life and your income! Don’t settle for anything less than massive success.
And keep coming back here for ideas to move you in the right direction.
If you haven’t yet downloaded the free report on Bank on Yourself, make sure you go to http://www.findoutmorenow.com/ and enter the pass code JF55. But only if you are serious about your financial success and joining the top 5%! (At this time I am only licensed to serve clients in Arizona and California. If you’re from another state, drop me a note and I’ll help you get hooked up to a consultant in your area).
This is one area that I can't wait to move forward in. I'm looking forward to the day when I leave my "secure" job and become an entreprenuer, even if I'm passing the half way mark for retirement.
Taking the roof off the financial ceiling is a must to freedom. Owning your own business is the best way. Thanks for introducing Andy.
Larry E.
I am exceited to find out more from Andy. Thank you for the website.
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