Courage.....It Makes All the Difference!
Would you rank yourself high in the area of courage?
The late Winston Churchill said, “Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others”.
On your journey through life, you will be faced with millions of decisions that will affect you in every way imaginable.
Many of these decisions will seem small in nature. But the cumulative effect of every decision you make will either take you down the path of success and happiness, or failure and struggle.
If you desire to rise to the highest levels of success and happiness, you will most definitely need to acquire and develop the trait of courage.
Why should you even concern yourself with the development of courage within yourself?
Think about it for a moment.
Can you achieve anything worthwhile in your life without the courage to move forward in the face of uncertainty or risk?
In fact, until you have developed yourself into the kind of person who possesses courage in every situation, you will have a difficult time rising into the top 5%.
Deciding that you are going to develop the mindset of a courageous person is perhaps the one decision that can have the greatest impact on the rest of your life.
When you are a person of courage, you develop the trait that demonstrates that you are capable of overcoming any fear, any doubt that stands in the way of where you are today, and where you where you want to be tomorrow.
You become a person of courage through PRACTICE. You look for opportunities to ACT courageously throughout the day. You look to your fears, and then ACT in spite of them. You look to your doubts, and then you ACT in spite of them.
When you have developed within yourself the ability to ACT with courage regardless of the circumstances, you automatically move yourself into a whole new dimension.
Your conditioned mind is constantly trying to put fear into your day. It’s telling you why you can’t do something, or what might happen if you try and fail. Without the development of courage, you will give in to the fears of your conditioned mind, and wimp out.
But with the development of courage, you aren’t stopped by your conditioned mind at all. You ACT in spite of the fears and doubts it throws in your path.
You courageously move forward, confident in your abilities to succeed. You develop the mindset that nothing can stop you. And once you have that mindset, whatever your dreams and goals are, you can move confidently towards the attainment of them.
We all know that in order to grow and succeed, we must push ourselves beyond our current comfort zone. To stretch outside this comfort zone requires you to be courageous.
Everyday, practice being courageous. In every situation, ask yourself, what would a courageous person do in this situation? Push yourself outside of your comfort zone.
The development of courage in your life is not something that has to be random or an accident. You can learn to be more courageous. You can practice being more courageous.
Promise yourself in this very moment that you will develop the trait of courage until you rate yourself a 10! Every day, think of at least one situation where you took the initiative to act in a more courageous manner. Within a month, you will find that you are well on your way to overcoming your fears, and once you do, guess what will stop you? Nothing!
So make sure that you develop this trait of courage. If you do, you will find yourself rapidly rising into the ranks of the top 5%.
I'm still working on this area. In fact I plan on attending the Enlightened Warrior Training Camp to help grow and solidify what changes I've already made.
I feel like roarrring!
Larry E.
I tend to be couragous after a quick review. Sometimes this is good. I guess I just dont like the impulse factor. I dont mind taking chances but the fear of a rash decision takes me outside of my comfort zone.
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