Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Another Major Key.....

How can you tell if you are on the path to success?

What is the difference between those who achieve outstanding results, and those who don’t?

If you could change just one thing that could alter your life dramatically, would you?

Read the following carefully, and you will discover a most important secret that you must apply to reach your full potential.

Your HABITS are the keys that unlock the door to everything you truly want out of life.

By nature, we tend to sleepwalk our way through life. We actually spend very little time thinking at a conscious level.

Once we develop a habit, we continue to do it over and over without much thought.

It becomes so much a part of us, that eventually, even if we want to change that habit, it is nearly impossible to do.

That’s why it’s so hard to quit smoking. That’s why it’s so hard to lose weight. That’s why it’s so hard to get into shape.

We are all creatures of habit. And all of us have 2 kinds of habits. We have DOING habits, and we have NOT DOING habits.

Everything we’re not doing, we have a habit of not doing.

For example, most people do not work out. And, they have a habit of not working out.

Until they change that habit, they will never get into shape.

Most people are not nearly as successful as they can be, as they should be.

One of the biggest reasons is that they have the habit of not acting when they’re not in the mood.

We all know what we should be doing to be more successful.

If getting into shape is a goal, but we have the habit of sitting around at home watching television or playing on the computer, we will never get into shape.

If becoming wealthy is a goal, but we have the habit of wasting time doing meaningless things, we will never become wealthy.

The biggest obstacle to real success is to overcome the habits we have of procrastination and not being in the mood.

Do you really want to be a success? If you do, then the first thing you have to do is create the habit of getting out of your current situation, and creating the HABIT of doing whatever needs to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the MOOD you’re in.

If you wait until you’re in the right MOOD, you will never do the things you need to in order to achieve success.

At the Enlightened Warrior Training program offered by Harv Eker and Peak Potentials Training, there is a major focus on this concept.

In fact, it is a part of the daily declarations repeated throughout the program.

So remember this declaration well, and make sure you really do understand it,




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Blogger Jeff Evans said...

I've lost out on countless opportunities to grow because I didn't act because of my mood. I have definitely let my mood dictate my actions on more than one occasion.

7:53 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

Taking daily action toward a positive goal is key to success.
Larry E.

11:14 PM  

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