Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Are you a good money manager?

Is financial success important to you?

If it is, you will find the next few minutes a valuable investment in your time.

All of us play a game.

It’s called the money game.

And each of us either wins or loses the money game.

We don’t have any other choices.

If you want to win the money game, the first thing you’ll need to do is define success for you.

I like to think of financial success as becoming financially free.

What is financial freedom?

Harv Eker, my friend and mentor, author of the best selling book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” defines financial freedom as “the ability to live the lifestyle that you desire without HAVING to work or depend on anyone else for income.”

Let’s face it, for you to live the lifestyle you desire, it’s going to cost you some money.

And money coming in without you having to work for it is called what kind of income?


How good are you at creating passive income? How much passive income do you currently have coming in each month?

Why is passive income absolutely essential to financial freedom?

If the only source of income you currently have is working income, what’s going to happen to you if you stop working? Chances are, you’re going to go broke.

You will ALWAYS BE A SLAVE TO YOUR JOB if you depend on working income.

To achieve financial success, you must create streams of passive income.

And to do that, you better become a good money manager.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate yourself as a money manager?

The problem for most of us is that we’ve never be properly taught how to manage our money to win the money game.

I see dozens of people every month come into my office, and I can speak from experience that less than 1 in 10 is even close to being a sound money manager.

So how do you learn good money management skills?

Well…..first of all, you have to be committed to learning a sound money management system.

Once you learn a system that works, you need to follow it and practice it until it becomes second nature to you.

I’ve written many posts about money management, and yet it seems as though no one I ever meet has any of these skills.

So, in the next while, I’ll be refreshing your memories about a system that guarantees you money management skills.

If you are going to set one goal for 2007, do yourself a huge favor and commit to becoming a fantastic money manager. It’s one huge step towards creating financial freedom, and when you’re financially free, you’ve won the money game.




Blogger Jeff Evans said...

Well it's coming up on 2008 and I plan on continuing to perfect my money management skills. Specifically the system your refering to and the one I learned at the MMI.

I still have a few areas to work on before I am completely in line with all of the principals, i.e., living within 50-55% net income.

8:33 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

Not a "10" yet but getting there!
Larry E.

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6 with the creation of sub accts. I need to put the money on auto transfer. I want to think about this because it puts me in touch with my progress. I need to be aware of my finances. 7 with this decision.

8:09 AM  

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