I love this man.....
Today I got an email from one of the many newsletters I subscribe to and saw the following by my first mentor....."Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours."- Dale Carnegie
Find something you are PASSIONATE about, COMMIT to it, and the rest will take care of itself.
Since reading How to Win Friends 36 years ago, I’ve read hundreds of self help books, listened to thousands of hours of self help tapes and cd’s and attended countless seminars. I do it because I love it. Personal growth is my PASSION.
Certain themes surface time and time again. Find something you are PASSIONATE about doing. I see this over and over again. I’ve experienced it in my own life. I know this to be true for me, and I believe it is true for everyone who is ready for it.
Don’t just Want it. Don’t just Choose to have it. COMMIT that you will never quit until you get it. Take on a Warrior mentality. Dream about it. Focus on it. Bring together allies and resources to help you get through it.
Harv Eker says in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind….”What you focus on expands”. I’ve seen the exact thought expressed numerous ways. But I see it constantly. When you focus yourself to the attainment of your dreams with PASSION and a WARRIOR mentality, nothing can stop you. And if nothing can stop you, what choices do you have? All the choices!
My life has been transformed by the likes of Dale Carnegie, Harv Eker, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightengale, Tony Robbins, and so many others I’ve lost track. I am grateful for having found these folks and used them as my mentors.
Even today, I am constantly on the lookout for new mentors who are proven experts in the areas that I am passionate about. I look for the best of the best. After a while, in any field, you find them. I believe that if you learn from the best and then follow through with ACTION, the results will take care of themselves.
P.S. Dale Carnegie may be thought of as old generation today, because in fact he is. The incredible thing about Dale Carnegie is that his principles and ideas are as true today as they were the day he wrote them. They’re timeless. Read his books or listen to his tapes, you won’t regret it.
I already have this book and it's next on my list of books to read.
I'll get it as well. Thanks to you Jeff.
Larry E.
It is great to label all this, it's personal growth and what better way to learn than from mentors we can choose as they are countless in this field. Many of the principles written decades ago still hold true. Passion, hard work, action and perservering are all things we learn from our mentors. Reading the books over keeps driving the message home.
I am reading it now and it helps you to concentrate on Desires and Faith. You know the words but what do they really mean.
I'm off to the library for these wonderfully positive and life changing books!!
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