Monday, October 31, 2005

Mark and Jack, a dynamic duo……

Every Saturday morning, my wife Sue jumps out of bed at 6:45 a.m., throws on some clothes and races out the door to begin her weekly adventure. Sue loves garage sales, and every weekend she finds dozens of them in virtually every neighborhood in North Phoenix and Scottsdale.

After a couple of hours, Sue returns with her booty. Usually, for $15 or $20 total, she ends up with a trunk full of stuff. If she spots a book or tape set that she thinks I’ll enjoy, she’ll get it for me as her gift.

This week she found a book called “Dare to Win”. It’s co-written by 2 of my favorite authors and speakers, Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield. You might know them as the authors of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books.

If you aren’t familiar with Mark and Jack, you should be. Individually, each is a brilliant speaker, trainer and author. Together, they are a dynamic duo. They have a talent for telling entertaining stories that illustrate their points brilliantly, and inspire their audience to take their lives to a whole new level.

Thus far, I’ve only had the opportunity to read the first chapter, but I can already tell that I’m going to enjoy reading this book. The theme that Mark and Jack have taken with this book is that we can have, or be, or do anything we want in life if we can learn to act in spite of our fears.

Of course, this isn’t a unique or novel concept. Many books have been written about this very topic. At Peak Potentials Training, Harv Eker designed “Enlightened Warrior Training Camp” specifically to help individuals develop the habit of facing their fears and acting in spite of them.

In the opening chapter, Mark and Bob point out that when we fear something, we usually come up with every excuse imaginable why we can’t do it. So the critical difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the successful ones won’t allow any excuse to stop them, while the unsuccessful let any excuse derail them from their goals.

Here’s the exercise they urge you to do whenever you become aware that you’re being stopped by your fears. They suggest that you repeat the following phrase over and over again…”Oh what the heck, go for it anyway”.

I firmly believe the concept that what you focus on expands. Because of that, I purposely saturate my mind with ideas designed to stimulate my thinking, create new success files in my subconscious, and motivate me to Dare to Win. I sincerely hope that you will adopt this attitude as well, and Dare yourself to Win too!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

That pesky little voice!!!!!

1:11 PM  
Blogger Howard said...

This is a great point being made regarding fear. We all have it in certain areas of our life, be it business or personal. I think the run through the wall philosophy is the only way to go. If we make a mistake, don't do it twice. There is nothing to lose.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we need to recognize fear before it makes us react.

3:25 PM  
Blogger jamieyk4 said...

I will not sit on the sidelines. I will not just read but will respond. And I will overcome my fears

1:10 PM  

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