Taking Your Life to a 10......
Do you wake up happy and enthusiastic about your day?
Are you living the life of your dreams?
Can you imagine reaching your full potential?
Unfortunately, for too many of us, we live a boring, predictable life, working our way through the week, looking forward to the weekends when we can just relax and kick back.
Too many of us have fallen into a rut. A rut that has taken away all of our drive, all of our enthusiasm, all of our dreams. We accept our fate, our current circumstances, and assume that this is as good as it’s going to get.
Today, I’m asking you to focus on a key word, a word that makes the difference between living the life you have today, and moving towards the life of your dreams, a life that only the top 5% experience.
The word is PASSION.
What do you think of when you think of the word PASSION?
What is your definition of PASSION?
To me, PASSION is something that reaches deep into your emotional world.
If you’ve ever heard of the process of manifestation, it says that your thoughts lead to your feelings, which leads to your actions which leads to your results.
It says that your beliefs will affect your feelings, and those feelings will move you to take action, and from those actions, you will get your results.
There is another way to look at things. In the book, “Success through a Positive Mental Attitude”, one of the authors, W. Clement Stone says, “If you want to be happy, ACT happy! If you want to be enthusiastic, ACT enthusiastically!” I say, if you want to be passionate, ACT passionately!
In other words, your actions can change your attitudes, which can then help move you to the results you want. If you want to be a passionate person, begin to ACT like a passionate person.
Recently, I had lunch with one of my associates. We were talking about life and I asked him on a scale of 1 to 10 to rate his happiness in life. He told me that he’d rate things at an 8, and that overall, he was very happy with the way his life was progressing.
I asked him what would have to happen for him to rise from an 8 to a 10. He said that although he made a good living as a consultant, it wasn’t his passion. In fact, if he was doing what he’s most passionate about, and became successful at it, then his life would be a 10.
The biggest reason most people don’t get what they want in life is because they don’t know what they want in life. When you ask them what their passions are, they shrug their shoulders.
Do you know what your passions are? Unless you can answer this question without hesitation, it will be almost impossible for you to reach your full potential, and enjoy your life to the fullest.
So take all the time you need to figure out what your greatest passions in life are. It’s like putting booster rockets on your energy level, and converting your life from the ho-hum to the WOW! Once you identify your passions, and begin to live them, you will begin to move yourself into the elite, top 5% of all the people, and you’re life will be transformed forever.
My passion right now is working on my inner game. I am so passionate about changing my life to be a 10, that I'm excited to get up everyday so that I can work on ME.
I'm looking forward to letting passion play itself out.
Larry E.
My passion is money and finance. I dont have specific details yet but I enjoy reading and elevating myself and others.
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