Thursday, August 24, 2006

Compounding Your Brain Power….

Do you want to know the biggest secret in the world?

The fact is, you could be infinitely more successful in every area of your life if you just knew it.

What would it be worth to you to know the secret to absolute success at the highest levels?

Focus your attention on the following words, pay very close attention. Because if you grasp their meaning, you will never be the same person again.

Your MIND, and how you use your MIND, determines your success or failure in life.

As human beings, we use only a small fraction of our brain power. For many of us, the biggest decision we make all day is where to go for lunch!

The rest of the day, we are like robots.

We wake up at the exact same time every day.

We get up and go through the exact same routine every morning.

We eat or don’t eat the same breakfast.

We take or don’t take the exact same vitamins.

We drive the same way to work.

We do the same things at work that we’ve done 1,000 times before.

We leave work at the same time.

We drive home the same way.

We come home and do the same routine every night.

We go to bed and repeat the next day…..

I’ve read that scientists calculate that on average, we use about 3% of our brain power!


How they ever arrived at that number is beyond me, but if it’s anywhere near correct, that explains a lot doesn’t it?

What kind of results would you expect to get when you’re just using 3% of your brain power?

Low initiative.

Low energy.

Few ideas.

Little thinking.

Now, imagine if you could double your usage from the average, and used a whole 6% of your brain power.

Once you’re up to 6%, imagine if you could double your usage again and use 12% of your brain power.

How about doubling it one more time? Now you’re up to 24%. That’s 8 times the average!

When you learn how to tap into your brain power, take control of your thinking and allow your mind to help you solve your challenges, you will have uncovered the most valuable jewel in your life.




Blogger Jeff Evans said...

Mines been a little slow from all of the chemo over the last 2.5 years.

But, as I've been knocking the dust off my brain lately, I've noticed that there is still plenty of space for me to use, and I plan on using every single bit there is.

8:43 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

The brain, quite an under utilized muscle.
Larry E.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

crazy 3%.

3:43 PM  

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