Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What’s your Peak Potential in the next 3 years?

Think back 3 years ago. August, 2003.

It wasn’t that long ago.

What were you doing back then?

What was your income?

How about your net worth?

How about your health?

What about your weight?

If you had to rate your success and growth in the last 3 years, how would you rate yourself?

Are you pleased with your personal and financial growth in the last 36 months?

Do you expect anything different in the next 36 months?

The next few minutes can dramatically change your future for the better if you choose to let this message sink in and take control of your life.

Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

You will continue to get the exact same results if you continue to think and act the exact same way.

But you can make incredible changes in your life, all areas of your life, if you decide to change your “blueprints”.

What exactly are your blueprints anyway, and why are they important?

Ever heard of the Process of Manifestation?

It says that your Thoughts lead to your Feelings, which lead to your Actions, which leads to your Results.

These are what make up your blueprint…..your thoughts, your feelings and your actions.

You have many blueprints…..around money, around health, around relationships, etc.

Notice that it all begins with your thoughts.

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do in the next 3 years?

Would you double your income? Triple it?

Would you start your own business?

Would you travel around the world?

Would you lose 20 pounds?

Would you get in the best shape of your life?

Would you become the best spouse, the best parent, the best friend you could possibly be?

Would you be more courageous, more generous, more loving, more supportive?

Exactly what would you do, and even more important, what kind of person would you choose to become if you knew that you couldn’t fail?

Fact: Success is a learnable skill.

You can learn to be successful in any area of your life that is important to you.

Harv Eker of Peak Potentials Training says, “Where attention goes, energy flows, and results show.”

Here’s an exercise that can get you going in the right direction.

Take 15 minutes every morning for a week and write down very specific goals you want to accomplish in the next 3 years. Don’t worry about how you’re going to accomplish them, just write them down. These goals should be in every important area of your life, including your relationships, your health, your finances, etc. Allow your imagination to take over, and visualize what kind of life, and what kind of person you want to be in 3 years.

Once you’ve compiled your list, read it every morning and every evening. Allow these goals to sink into your subconscious. Commit to working towards attaining your goals. Commit to doing whatever it takes. Tell those closest to you what you intend to do. Ask for their support. Ask for their advice. Seek out the advice of others who you admire and respect.

There is a reason that less than 5% of all people achieve really outstanding success. And that’s because only 5% of all people know exactly what they want, AND are willing to work at it for as long as it takes to accomplish their goals and dreams.

The top 5% aren’t quitters. They aren’t complainers. They don’t make excuses. They aren’t lazy. They don’t waste time.

Nope. The top 5% are focused. They’re positive. They are always taking action…..MASSIVE ACTION. They model the best. They never stop learning and improving. They’re passionate about life and the possibilities in their life.

The next 3 years are going to come and go whether you do anything or not. You can decide right now that the next 3 years will be the most fun, exciting, and successful 3 years you’ve ever experienced.

Go for it. Don’t hold back. Change your thinking. Change your feelings. Change your actions.

If you do, guaranteed, your results will change too. And your life will never be the same.




Anonymous Anonymous said...


I really enjoy reading your blog because it contains a lot of great ideas that I try to apply to my life.

Here's a question - what happens if you know you need to change your blueprint, but you are having a hard time. It's easy to say "just do it", but it's harder to do.

Any thoughts?

11:13 AM  
Blogger Jeff Fagin said...

Hi Anonymous,

Thank you for your comments.

I'd really like to answer your question to the best of my abilities. But I'm not sure exactly what you're asking.

Changing your blueprint comes in stages. There are 4 stages to change.

Awareness. First you have to become aware of the fact you have these blueprints already engrained in you. You have to be aware of what your blueprints are. How do you know what they are?

Look at your results. That will tell you exactly what your blueprint looks like.

Understanding. You have to begin to understand how your blueprints became the way they are. We are all conditioned in 3 ways, verbal programinng, modeling and specific incidents.

Verbal program is all about what did you hear when you were young.

Modeling is all about what did you see when you were young.

Specific incidents is all about what did you experience when you were young.

Disassociation. Most of your blueprints were formed when you were young. Were you born to act that way, or were you taught how to act the way you do?

For most of us, were were taught, and as kids we were evaluating everything with the mindset of a child. You are now an adult. You can disassociate yourself from the thinking in your past, and decide as an adult that you can think in different ways than you have in the past.

Reconditioning. Life is a habit. Success is a habit. It's a practice. You recondition yourself to think and act in a more empowering way by practicing.

So, if you want to change your money blueprint, you start by looking at how you think about money, success and wealthy people. In Harv Eker's book, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", he identifies 17 "money files" that most finanically successful people include in their blueprint. If you want to model to work off of, I'd say to begin with these 17 files, and begin immediately to incorporate these ideas into your financial blueprint.

Thanks again for your comments, I hope this helps, and I wish you great success on your journey.



1:39 PM  
Blogger Jeff Evans said...

My last 3 years have been less than what I ever imagined going through, but I didn't let that stop me.

The next 3 years will be the best I have ever had. Then the next 3after that will be even better and the next and the next.

8:24 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

It was an OK last 3 years...but plenty of peak potential room for the next 3. This is a nice way of setting the future up.
Larry E.

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Changing your blueprint takes time. I try to evaluate what I have learned and change the way I feel about it to make a positive outcome. If you look deep enough into your past alot of your future makes sense. Changing these blueprints or recognizing them is a start.

3:28 PM  

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