The Best Strategy For Your Money....
Last year, Harv Eker released his first book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, and saw it rise to the top of the New York Times bestseller list in its first week. For an unknown author, that’s unheard of. But it’s par for the course with Harv. I’m very proud of the fact that Harv acknowledged me in the book.
As a personal friend of Harv Eker, I can say first hand that Harv not only “talks the talk”, he also “walks the walk”. While talk is cheap, his actions and his results verify that he truly practices what he preaches. When T. Harv says he has a Millionaire Mind, he isn’t exaggerating. His “financial blueprint” is set for massive success.
One of the keys to success in any area of life is to model those who have already achieved the level of success you want.
If you want to be great at anything, you can learn how to accomplish it.
And when it comes to creating your financial blueprint for financial success, following the advice and modeling Harv Eker is a surefire way to reach your financial dreams.
Having worked with Harv helping him build and grow Peak Potentials Training, I had the opportunity to study Harv Eker up close and personal.
The ideas and concepts he teaches are now a part of my financial blueprint, and have allowed me to achieve a level of financial success that I never dreamed possible.
Not only that, these same principles can be applied to other areas of life, and I have come to adopt the systems that make success in any important area of my life virtually automatic.
But this post is aimed at financial success.
What is your concept of financial success?
Too many people say, “I want to be rich”.
Well, guess what? Everyone wants to be rich. But only a few actually achieve it.
There’s a huge gap between what we want and what we get.
When we say we want something, what we’re really saying is that if we’re handed it, we’ll gladly accept it.
Some people go a little further and CHOOSE to have something. It shows an intention to have something in your life. Unfortunately, CHOOSING to have something rarely gets us what we truly want.
It’s not until you COMMIT to having something that you begin to see the true results you desire. COMMITTING to something means you’re willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get what you want, as long as it’s moral, ethical and does not violate the rights of your fellow man.
Let’s go back to the question I asked you moments ago, what’s your concept of financial success?
You have to be specific. You need to be able to describe in detail what financial success means to you.
Harv Eker teaches that there are 2 jewels to achieving financial freedom. The first is creating streams of PASSIVE INCOME. Passive income is money coming in without your having to work for it. Until you have enough PASSIVE INCOME, you can never be free; you will HAVE to continue working for the rest of your life.
The second jewel is in having a MONEY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM that you apply to your life and your money. At the Millionaire Mind Intensive, an incredible 3-day program offered by Peak Potentials, Harv Eker teaches a simple, but highly effective money management system.
I’ve written in detail about this system throughout my blog. If you aren’t familiar with it, go back and find those posts. They can be life changing!
Once you understand these 2 jewels, PASSIVE INCOME and MONEY MANAGEMENT, you’ll have the knowledge you need to move you onto the road of financial success.
You still need a vehicle to bring it all together.
And the Bank on YourselfTM program that I discovered about a year ago is the most perfect vehicle I have ever seen to bring this all together.
Once I discovered Bank on YourselfTM, I realized that this was the missing link that allows virtually anyone to take Harv’s 2 jewels and apply them in their lives to achieve the financial success they want.
If you’re COMMITTED to your financial freedom, you’ll kick yourself if you don’t download the free report that explains how Banking on YourselfTM can change your financial life.
Just go to and enter the passcode JF55 to receive this report. If you’re in Arizona or California, I can personally help you get set up. Otherwise, I can refer you to other certified consultants in your area.
The answers you seek are at your fingertips. Don’t let this opportunity slip by!
Got it.
Larry E.
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