Why Don’t Most People Get This??
Do you REALLY want to reach your full potential?
Not just your full financial potential, but also your full potential in every major area of your life?
If you open your mind, and read what follows closely, you will discover the missing link between what you want and what you have.
Too often, I hear from those who think that personal growth is a complete waste of time and money. They’ll point to all those who invest time and money attending seminars and workshops and gleefully point out….”Look at all these stupid, weak minded people. They waste all of their money on these books and tapes and seminars, and they have nothing to show for them. The only ones getting rich are the people who put on the seminars, or sell the books and tapes.”
Let me ask you something. Do you really believe that going to a 2 or 3-day seminar, or reading a book, or listening to an audio program is all it takes to be successful? Is it really that easy?
Do you believe that once you finish kindergarten your education is finished?
Do you believe that once you take that first golf lesson you’re ready to play the Masters?
Do you believe that once you go to the health club for one workout that you’re in shape?
Do you believe that dieting for a day is going to lose all that extra weight you’re carrying around?
I hope you realize that it’s only a start. And while starting is critical, if you don’t follow through with consistent effort, you are not going to see the level of success you want.
When I was running Peak Potentials, I would be asked all the time, “how many people who attend the Millionaire Mind Intensive are now millionaires?”
Recently, if you’ve followed my blog, I had someone ask me exactly that. He was gleefully pointing out that the majority of attendees are still working their 9 to 5 jobs.
Well…..duh! Boy, is this person on the ball!
Think of all the people you know who are among the best in their field.
Let’s look at athletes as a perfect example.
Tiger Woods is considered the best golfer today. Tiger Woods is constantly WORKING WITH HIS COACH to improve his game. In fact, he’ll work with different coaches to help him improve in specific areas of golf.
Peyton Manning is considered among the best quarterbacks in the National Football League. Peyton Manning is constantly WORKING WITH HIS QUARTERBACK COACH to improve his game. In fact, he works with several coaches to help him improve in specific areas of the game.
Roger Clemens is considered among the best pitchers of all time. Roger Clemens is CONSTANTLY WORKING WITH PITCHING COACHES to improve his game.
Why do you think coaches exist in sports? They exist because even elite athletes have a passion to reach their full potential, and they realize that having the right coach can take them to another level.
It’s not just true in sports.
Have you ever heard of a personal fitness trainer? Why would anyone waste their money on someone like a fitness trainer?
For those who are COMMITTED to becoming physically fit, they realize that having the right trainer work with them increases the likelihood of their achieving the level of success they want much more than if they do it on their own.
It takes an extraordinary self motivated person to work as hard and as long on their own as they will if they have a trainer pushing them, urging them on, and making sure they’re doing the right thing to stay on course to achieve their goals.
Why do people choose to have a financial planner or coach? It’s because they realize that they stand a far better chance to being financially successful if they’ve got the right person advising them.
So, let’s go back to the Millionaire Mind Intensive. The MMI is a 3-day FREE seminar put on by Harv Eker and Peak Potentials that educates people on the keys to becoming financially free, and in pointing out the differences between the ways financially successful people think compared to those who aren’t as successful.
Wouldn’t it be great if that were all it took to become a millionaire! Just go to a FREE 3 day seminar, and you’re rich. You don’t have to do anything else. You don’t have to follow through with action. You don’t have to look for other mentors. You don’t have to find a coach. You don’t have to continue to learn, to read and study, and invest time, money and energy.
Nope. All you have to do is go to the FREE 3 day seminar and you’re going to be rich! Tomorrow!
If you aren’t, then the MMI must just be a scam, and Harv Eker is laughing all the way to the bank from all of the money he made offering this FREE seminar.
Please! Tell me you aren’t that stupid!
There’s an expression out there that almost everyone has heard at one time or another.
Knowledge is Power!
I say that’s B.S.
What possible good is having knowledge if you don’t do anything with it?
I say knowledge is only POTENTIAL power.
It’s not what you know that’s important; it’s WHAT YOU DO WITH WHAT YOU KNOW that’s important.
Unfortunately, most people simply don’t understand this concept. They figure that if they acquire the right knowledge, then they’ll be successful. And while having the right knowledge is a great start, it doesn’t guarantee you squat!
Until you COMMIT to taking that knowledge and building on it, and applying it into your daily life, all you’ve done is add more information into your brain. Big deal.
So if you REALLY want to reach your full potential, follow the example of the elite athletes. Never stop learning. Never stop practicing. Never stop improving.
Don’t think for a moment that attending a seminar or two is the end all. Or that reading a few books is all it takes. Or that listening to a couple of audio programs is the solution. It’s a start. But that’s all it is.
Once you realize that for you to achieve real success, it is going to take massive action on your part, you can either choose to accept that reality and COMMIT to your own success, or you can choose to accept whatever life offers and realize that you simply don’t have the desire necessary to reach the level of success you think you want.
The choice is yours.
Remember, success is not easy. That’s why so few really achieve it.
Well said Jeff!
I couldn't agree more ;-)
Thanks Scott, I appreciate it.
You mean to tell me that reading your blog is not going to make me a millionaire? O.k. I'll continue to ready anyway.
This post is probably the best education that "anonymous" could ever have received.
I'm getting it - thanks for giving it.
Larry E.
I think that puts the point across. One step at a time.
FANTASTIC blog...one of the best I've read! Keep up the good words!
I just recently signed up to go to a 3-day weekend MMI seminar; however, I paid a 100 dollar deposit on the website. So, apparently, it's no longer free?
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