Friday, August 04, 2006

11 Steps For Reaching Your Financial Goals….

Have you been reading or listening to all the financial “gurus” out there these days?

As a CPA with over 30 years of experience building and growing my financial base into a 7 figure net worth, I’ve seen and heard it all.

The best financial advice I ever received went something like this…..

1. Find someone who is achieving the kind of success you want to achieve.

2. Look at the SYSTEM this person uses to achieve that success.

3. Decide if that system resonates with you, with your lifestyle, with your values, and with your personality.

4. If it doesn’t, don’t worry, because there are countless ways to achieve financial success, so keep looking until you find someone whose system does resonate with you.

5. Once you feel certain that you’ve found the person and the system that best suits you, begin to MODEL what that person is doing.

6. Find others who are likeminded and create alliances and support groups to keep you moving in the right direction.

7. COMMIT to your success. COMMIT to becoming a “whatever it takes” person.

8. Create a roadmap with specific goals and specific dates for their accomplishment.

9. DON’T THINK!! Don’t decide to improvise. If you just follow the proven system that you chose, you will eventually begin to see the same results as your role model.

10. Have fun. If you aren’t having fun, why bother? Love what you do. Be passionate about what you are offering.

11. Raise your energy level. As writer Stuart Wilde says….The secret to success is to raise you energy level. And when you do, people will naturally be attracted to you. And when they show up…..Bill em!

Here’s what I chose to do, maybe it’ll make sense to you to….

I committed to creating PASSIVE INCOME. It is a fact that you will never be financially free if your sole source of income is from work. Why? Because what happens when you stop working? So does your income, right?

So if you truly want to be financially FREE, you have to have enough income coming in every month to pay for your lifestyle without you working. Then you’re free. Otherwise you’re a slave to your job.

I also realized that financially successful people are good money managers. They have a SYSTEM for managing their money that AUTOMATICALLY leads to financial success. They don’t have to think about it. It is a natural way of being and thinking that is unconscious.

Guess what?

Less than 5% of all people focus any time, thought or energy in creating passive income. And, less than 5% of all people have a money management system that they follow on a regular basis.

In the past year, I discovered a vehicle that incorporates these 2 concepts. Once I learned about it and analyzed it from every angle imaginable, I knew that it was perfect for me and anyone who is sincere about reaching financial freedom in their lives.

This proven SYSTEM has been around for over 100 years, yet virtually no one knows about it. Financial planners don’t. Stockbrokers don’t. CPA’s don’t either.

Because they are ignorant about it, many choose to discard it without even being open minded enough to look at it. They think they understand it, but they don’t.

As I said, I am a Certified Public Accountant. I have my Masters in Business Administration. I have worked for and consulted with many Fortune 500 clients. I have run United Way Nonprofit Agencies and highly successful for profit companies. I have a personal coaching practice. And I have studied in the areas of personal and financial success for over 35 years. My wife Sue and I are financially free.

My passion is to educate and inspire people to reach their full financial potential, and in so doing reach their full potential in all areas of their lives at the same time.

If you are open to creating passive income in your life, and want to become an excellent money manger, I encourage you to go to and enter the passcode JF55. You can then download a report that explains exactly what Bank on YourselfTM can do for you. You can also listen to a lively and informative seminar on this powerful, proven strategy on your computer, 24 hours a day.

I am licensed to work with clients in Arizona and California, and can assist you in finding someone well trained in your area if you want to take advantage of this life changing concept.

Do it now. It will be the best thing you do this year.




Blogger Jeff Evans said...

Great post. Thanks for breaking it down, step by step.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

I'd like to make my baby steps bigger.
Larry E.

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the idea of doing exactly what a sucessful person is doing or has done. It should seem simple if it is the right one for you. I need to find this. I am more aware of my surroundings on a day to day basis.

3:35 PM  

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