The Power of Focus....
It provides so much power that today, the medical community commonly uses it to do surgerical procedures.
What gives it the incredible power that it possesses?
The fact is, the power of the laser beam comes from concentrating and FOCUSING tremendous energy into a very narrow range. A laser beam is a light beam that can be precisely FOCUSED.
Great power comes from FOCUS. And you need to understand that for you to reach your full potential, you need to FOCUS your time and energy too.
There are laws of nature. There are laws of success. These laws are universal. And once you learn these laws and begin to apply them in your life, you gain the advantage of working with these universal laws rather than working against them.
Harv Eker, President of Peak Potentials, often says, “What you FOCUS on expands”. He also says, “Where attention goes, energy flows, and results show.”
Throughout your day, you have an endless stream of thoughts going through your mind. You’re busy with your job, your chores, and a million other things that enter into your day. It’s easy to have days, weeks, even months go by without making any meaningful progress towards your personal success. It’s easy to become unfocused.
If one of your dreams in life is to reach your full potential, to join the elite and successful top 5%, then pay close attention.
For you to reach your full potential, you must first define what it is that you truly want out of life, and then FOCUS your time and energy and thought into accomplishing it.
People rarely ever reach the pinnacle of success by luck. They reach it by knowing exactly what it is that they want, developing a plan to achieve it, and then FOCUSING as much energy and time towards its attainment as they can muster.
How many people do you know that are really focused?
Here’s an idea that can transform your life forever.
Find someone who is achieving extraordinary success. Notice how they FOCUS their thoughts, their time, their energy, their money, everything they have, towards creating the life of their dreams.
And then, simply MODEL them.
Do what their doing. Think how they’re thinking. FOCUS how they FOCUS.
Get into the habit of consciously thinking about FOCUS.
Ask yourself, “What do I really want in my life?” and then once you’ve answered that question, FOCUS on what you have to do every day in order to turn your thoughts into reality. Turn the intangible into the tangible. Turn the invisible into the visible. Transform your life from who you are today, into who you want to be tomorrow.
Life is precious. Time is precious. It’s not something to squander or waste. Every day counts. Every minute counts.
Are you just existing day to day, or are you growing and learning and accomplishing your deepest dreams? Do you live a purpose driven life?
If you aren’t already, begin to FOCUS your thoughts, your time and your energy on creating the life you want. I guarantee you, your life will never be the same again.
This is another area that I am working on. Focusing on defining what I truly want and how to achieve that.
I have my starting point in place already. As a matter of fact, I've already made some progress.
Focusing on the target is essential. It minimizes distractions.
Larry E.
I can see that focus is important to sucess. I let my mind, passion, and drive all come together to create 1 focal point. If I do not focus then my mind is saying you are not really interested in giving 100 percent.
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