Lucky, Lucky Me.....
The Preserve in nestled in the middle of Phoenix, and is a huge area covered with dozens of hiking trails having different degrees of difficulty.
The trails are mostly shale and rock, but the desert beauty is everywhere, and within minutes of the trailhead, you don’t even realize that you’re in a city at all. You’d swear you were in the wild west.
We usually take a fairly difficult trail, and we keep a great pace, so it doesn’t take us long to get a good sweat going.
We usually get the hike finished in 2 hours.
What’s really amazing is how fast those 2 hours go.
My friend Larry is Dr. Larry.
Larry is a psychologist, with a very successful practice, who has authored 3 successful books. He is also a fantastic public speaker, has 30 years of experience studying and dealing with human thinking and the human mind.
I learn so much from Larry every weekend. About human nature. About human thinking. About different schools of thought in psychology.
For 2 hours every Sunday, I get to pick the brain of an expert in this field. And I get to do it in the middle of the mountain preserve, surrounded by Saguaro cactus and southwest desert, with mountains everywhere, blue skies and sunshine, with sweat dripping off my face hiking up the last hill.
Lucky, lucky me.
I hope you are living your dream too.
You lucky dog!
Larry E.
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