Friday, October 26, 2007

Earn it, Keep it, Grow it...........

Are you reaching your full financial potential?

Imagine if you were…….

Imagine what your life would be like if you could just figure out how to reach your full financial potential….

Most people have given up. They’ve completely resigned themselves to the financial life they live today, and accept this as a permanent fact.


No matter how most are doing financially, it’s rare that someone is coming even remotely close to reaching their full financial potential.

In fact, less than 5% of Americans today are financially free. Less than 5% of all Americans have enough passive income coming in every month to pay for their expenses.

There are proven principles and strategies that once learned, will automatically take you on a journey that leads to your full financial potential.

Just because you don’t know these strategies (that can take you to all of your financial dreams) doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. All that means is that you have never been exposed to them.


Let’s begin with the income that you currently earn.

If you have a job, you have a fixed salary, you have a ceiling on your income.

The biggest advantage of having a job doesn’t even exist anymore. Job security is a thing of the past.

Unless you reach the highest levels in a major corporation, the odds of you creating wealth are slim and none. You have virtually no chance to reach financial freedom going this route.

Maybe you’re in business?

Statistically, the odds aren’t pretty. 80% are going to go broke or lose money. For the remaining 20%, 15% have bought themselves a job, and only 5% are creating wealth.

But there has never been a time like today where entrepreneurs can succeed on a huge scale, and sometimes very quickly.

Would you like to join that elite 5%?

Learn from the world’s best entrepreneurs, and you can make your fortune too. It’s as simple as finding someone who is achieving the results you want, and then simply learning and using their proven system.

The advantage you have as an entrepreneur is that there is no ceiling on your income. You can dramatically grow your income just by learning to be a better entrepreneur. And becoming successful is a learnable skill.

If your goal is to become financially free, you increase your chances infinitely simply by starting and growing a business. But it has to be the right business with the right business strategies. You want to focus on earning money, and earning more each month, each year.

Then comes the KEEPING IT part…..

The single most important factor that separates the financially successful and financially unsuccessful is MONEY MANAGEMENT. It doesn’t matter how good you are at making money if you don’t manage it properly.

On top of that, if you don’t learn a system for managing the money you currently have, you will have a difficult time getting more, and more than likely, you’d lose it anyway.

Unfortunately, most are terrible money managers. How do you rate as a money manager? Do you have a system for managing your money now? Do you use it regularly?

Learning to become an excellent money manager is a decision you need to make before you will ever reach your full financial potential. Committing to learning a money management system and then keeping with it will have a huge impact on your life.

A big component to winning the money game is to understand the rules. Becoming an excellent money manager is critical to winning the game. And whether you realize it or not, you are now playing this game, and over your lifetime, you are either going to win it, or you are going to lose it. Which do you choose? If you choose to win the game, you will need to excel as a money manager.

Not only that, there are strategies that allow you to begin to recapture much of the money your spending. By creating the right system, you can change the financial flow of energy in your life from "cash out" to "cash in" and recapture dollars that would otherwise be lost forever. Now that’s a way to KEEP more of your own money.

GROWING IT is the final piece to the puzzle. You have to become an expert in investing your money. And the place to begin is in the best investment you can ever make. INVEST IN YOURSELF. No matter what happens, once you have learned success skills, no one can ever take them away from you, you can never lose them. The truly successful people never stop educating themselves and never stop learning. That means investing money and time and effort. Understand this and accept it, or else accept the fact they you are doomed to you current situation. YOU will need to become the person capable of growing your money.

You’d be surprised how far a little investment in yourself can take you. But it has to be the right information from the right teacher for the right reason.

Investments will come in 2 forms. Some investments will involve placing your money in different instruments to either earn you interest, or dividend income, or profits from the sales. This is called money earning you money.

Some investments will involve putting your money in a business where you don’t have to physically be there, and living off the profits of the business. This is called business earning you money.

When you maximize all 3 areas, EARN IT, KEEP IT AND GROW IT…..

you have positioned yourself to change your financial life, and begin to reach your full financial potential.

Keep following along with this blog to learn more and more secrets to reaching your full financial potential.



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Blogger Jeff Evans said...

I may be one of the last survivors of the job with so called security. Unfortunatley there is a huge ceiling on what I can make.

One of my goals is to walk away from this so called secure job and have enough passive income coming in that I can focus a lot more energy on spreading the wealth.

8:18 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

I'm working on improving the earning than I should be able to keep it growing!
Larry E.

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The need to open a business seems the answer to becoming finacially free. I have opened a LLC because I know it will be the next step in starting my business.

8:17 AM  

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