A Life Changing Moment...
If you follow closely and understand the meaning of today’s post, this will be one of them.
In my last post, You were introduced to your “conditioned mind.”
You learned that it isn’t interested in your success, only your survival.
You learned that its primary goal is to keep you in your current comfort zone.
You learned that it will do whatever it can to keep things the same, but to let you think that you’re changing.
You learned that you have to become aware of your conditioned mind.
So now, you should be pretty clear on who your current biggest enemy is. It resides right between your ears, and it’s called your conditioned mind. Your biggest enemy isn’t outside of you … it’s inside of you.
That’s why, to find true success in life, whether it’s wealth and abundance, happiness, or whatever makes you complete, you have to win the inner game of success. You have to turn your own worst enemy into your biggest ally.
And starting right here and right now, you’re going to head down that path.
This is the same path I started down almost 40 years ago when I was just 15. I was one of the lucky ones who learned how the conditioned mind worked at a fairly young age, and I’ve been working on making it my greatest ally ever since.
It’s never a completed project, because you can always improve in any part of your life. But I promise you, that as you turn your worst enemy into your strongest friend, as I have, you gain the most powerful ally known to mankind.
Since I’ve spent the majority of my life studying and working in the areas of money, finance and entrepreneurship, my mastery is in these fields. So there will be a natural bias here to apply these principles towards the attainment of wealth and abundance.
But what you learn here applies to any area of your life that is important to you. The great thing about these principles is that they are universal.
So how do you go about transforming your worst enemy into your most powerful ally?
You start by making a decision.
You decide that from this day forward you will “recondition” your conditioned mind, so that it eventually comes around to your wishes and desires, and helps you automatically move towards them.
Unfortunately, 95 out of every 100 people reading this post won’t ever make this decision and follow through on it.
Those are the facts. Their conditioned mind has such a strong hold over them that it controls their entire existence.
Are you one of the 5% who can change the course of your life starting right now?
Yes, you are.
You can choose to make this decision.
You can choose to look at your life until this very moment as a training ground for what to do and what not to do for the rest of your life based from what you’ve already learned.
From what you’ve learned so far in life, are you as happy as you want to be?
… as healthy as you want to be?
… as successful as you want to be?
… as fulfilled as you want to be?
If you aren’t it’s because your conditioned mind is much more concerned with your survival than it is in any of these other issues. It stops you from changing into the person you need to become to get what you want.
Does this make any sense to you?
For you to have all the success and happiness you want in life, you will have to grow yourself into the person capable of having all that success and happiness.
It isn’t going to happen by accident.
The starting point for all change, all achievement and accomplishment is in understanding what you want. What do you want in life? More importantly, what do you want badly enough to be willing to change to get it? What do you want badly enough that you are willing to fight the prodding’s of your conditioned mind not to do it because of every reason it can come up with. (Some call it fear.)
You’ve heard this all before, but it’s true. The most successful people have specific goals and dreams. They don’t just want to be happy or rich. That’s far too general. Everybody wants to be happy and rich. Yet how many are?
What does that tell you?
Hopefully, it tells you that what you say you want and what you really want are 2 completely different things.
The fact is, the life you’re living right now is the life you want, because if you didn’t, you’d do something to change it.
So obviously, if you aren’t as happy as you’d like to be or as wealthy as you’d like to be, something is going to have to change.
Please don’t tell me that it’s the economy
… or the government
… or your job
… or your appearance
… or your parents
… or any of it.
Those are just excuses made up to justify why you aren’t successful.
And, guess who’s sending you those excuses?
You got it, your conditioned mind.
The one thing that you must change is you. It’s the only thing you have control over.
… not the economy
… or the government
… or anyone else or anything else in this world.
So once you have specific goals to shoot for, you can begin to take control of your conditioned mind and turn its awesome force into good.
For now, you have a decision to make.
Are you going to accept the life you have today and the person you are today, and simply accept whatever circumstances life throws at you like everyone else?
Or …
Are you going to focus on the person you wish to become and the life you want to build for yourself, and then dedicate yourself to a higher standard that you know you’re capable of?
You’ll never reach your full potential and happiness until you’ve made this decision.
Your journey to real success begins with a decision.
Have you made yours yet?
I’ll be getting into the details for turbo charging your success in the next post.
Labels: beliefs, commitment, Decisions
Honestly this post is awesome. It often happens that i restrain from reading long posts but this one kept me on my seat. You have got great professional experience and the ideas generated are admiring.
This article was very helpful i had many situations in my life that i couldn't handlle but after reading this post i got some kind of strenght and knowledge thanks.
Great fundamentals here, Jeff. You are right on the money when it comes to the power of making a decision. Decisions mean choosing "this, not that" which is why they sometimes seem hard. We have to say "no" to one thing and "yes" to another. It's about getting out of the middle of the road & choosing one lane to drive along. Thanks for the reminder.
This was just what I needed to read today. I have become too comfortable and complacent, and it's become too easy to blame external things, rather than take a look at what I really want and what is holding me back. I look forward to your next post.
Great post. I think that everyone should periodically evaluate their life and see if it is where they want it to be. You give a great framework for evaluating this. Thanks!
I am very impressed with the insight provided. I have had the same message conveyed as, "The greatest barrier to success is the fear of succcess. "If you are truly successful, you life will change and you must be willing to accept that change. If you don't, you will never be successful." What has been pointed out here is that the change that is most important to make is to change the "conditioned mind".
So true. The decision to change can fade, but recognizing what is important enough that you know you would be willing to change yourself in order to acheive it.. That's the kicker. I've just been reintroduced to this lesson and it seems like around every corner life is asking me: What do you really, really want?
I like what you said about the excuses most of us use to stay in the place we are. You're right! My mind IS something I have control over, and I intend to take that control. Awesome post and I'm going to continue reading right now!
I heard something like this before. It's basically getting whatever you want and desire with positive thinking. There is a book I've been recommended called The Secret. I haven't read it yet, but this reminds me of what I've heard about it. I'm in the process of making some positive changes in my life towards being healthier and thinner and I know for certain that my brain gets in the way somedays, but I can do it and I'm making the changes gradually so it can become a part of my life and not something temporary.
When you truly grasp the fact that your mind is the ONLY thing in this world that you have control over, it almost seems surreal.
Trying to clean out the clutter in my mind has been challenging and rewarding. Thanks for keeping us on track with your blog.
I agree that external success depends largely upon internal success and control of your mind (and emotions as well). Unfortunately, that's not as easy as it might seem otherwise I don't think we'd have quite so many self help books.
I just liked this post from the depth of my heart. We need to clearly identify our goals and work towards acheiving them. Decisionn making is the most important aspect in making your life smoother. Your tips can help us in all fields of life.
You discovered this secret at 15? That's great. It can take some people their whole lives to finally leave their comfort zone. Thanks for putting this out there and trying to help others make a better life. Its a good reminder to me, too.
Thank you for this very insightful post. It came to me just when I needed it the most. I have been noticing the excuses I use in my own life to make myself feel better, and this post made me realize that the best way to feel better is to take control of my mind!
I can't believ. This was just what I needed to read today. I have become too comfortable and complacent, and it's become too easy to blame external things, rather than take a look at what I really want and what is holding me back. I look forward to your next post. thank you man. I love you:)
This post is definitely an eye opener. I feel that if you wish to achieve something in life, you need to desire it. If you dream for something, then you will take concrete steps to achieve your dreams. Being complacent and not taking any hard decisions will keep you safe, but at the same time you will not move forward in life. If you wish to achieve something, be ready to take some risks and start the first step.
This post was very inspiring. Before reading it I would be one of those trapped with my conditioned mind controlling me. However it moved me so much that I want to change now. I completely agree that people choose what they want and blame their issues in life on other things. It is up to us as individuals to follow your words for the better of ourselves.
This is such a great post. You're right, our conditioned mind is our biggest enemy. It keeps us restrained when, in some cases, we really shouldn't be. I'm so often turned off by long posts, but this is very worthwhile.
I think the idea of looking at the past as a "training ground" is really powerful. It's easy to get weighed down by the past and feel like if I haven't changed before now, maybe it's because I can't (very self-defeating). But turning the past into a positive -- as something to learn from so that I can live differently -- makes it easier to imagine changing my life for the better.
This is a really insightful post. There's some good content here, and some things that I'm going to be thinking about for a long time. Can't wait for the next one.
Great article, it is good to focus and redirect our energy in the right way, to have a plan ... in order to obtain hapiness and ecstasy in our lives.
Also life sometimes is like a big river of energy that we can not keep swimming against the current but give up for a while to allow ourselves to go with the flow to see where it is going to land us. Live for today but plan for tomorrow.
Your post really struck a chord with me. I feel that a conditioned mind is the most valuable asset to any person and this post was very enlightening and I hope to read more of the same.
Wow. That was kind of a slap to the face. I was not expecting to sit and take a long look at my life today, but I guess my plans changed. I love the way you worded it, it really seems more down to earth than a lot of the things i've read. thank you.
I totally agree with you. We are all conditioned to live within our comfort zones. Those who do escape survival conditioning are the great business people who are willing to take risks for success. Good post!
I totally agree with you. We are all conditioned to live within our comfort zones. Those who do escape survival conditioning are the great business people who are willing to take risks for success. Good post!
It's very important to make a decision and change our mind. But it's not only us - the economy, the crisis is still affecting whole world and one person can't change it!
We have to change the proportions - not 5% but at least 50% of us should change!
Your post was a very interesting read on a subject that I am becoming wholly wrapped up in at the moment and I very much look forward to your following ones.
You obviously know your onions when it comes to 'Self Improvement' techniques and 'Mind Over Money' thought processes for attaining a successful, happier and more comfortable lifestyle.
I'm sure your teachings will manifest themselves into a 'Life Changing Moment' for all seekers of greater success...
Very insightful! Our minds are "conditioned" from the time we are children, but I've never thought about how we can stop and turn that around and use it for our benefit and success. Can't wait for next post.
This a very insightful article that really made me take a hard look at myself. The message really struck a chord, would it be too cliche to say this could be the first day of the rest of my life? I look forward to future articles, thanks!
Using a daily mind reconditioner is a sure way to know what you want and to go about getting it. larry E.
What a fantastic post. Stuff like this truly helps change people's lives.
I really like what you said about making a decision - one at a time. The problem is that many of us look at too broad a picture and become overwhelmed with everything involved in attaining financial freedom. What I liked about the Peak Potentials seminar is that it helped put things into smaller, more manageable pieces for me, and I'm now reaping the benefits of taking things one step at a time.
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