If You're Not in One of These Two Groups....You've Got a Major Problem...
They’re no smarter than you, or more educated than you, or had any more money to start with than you do. They just KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON’T, AND THEY’RE DOING SOMETHING YOUR AREN’T.
My financial consulting practice draws hundreds of people from every background imaginable. Thanks to the effective radio advertising that I’ve been doing in Phoenix for years, I’ve created a large group of clients. Every single day, from the FRONT LINES, I see exactly how most people play the money game, manage their money, and where they’re headed financially.
Here is what I see……
I see EVERYBODY struggling with money. Most can hardly keep their financial head above water.
I see EVERYBODY mismanage their money. Most haven’t got a clue what proper money management is, and are playing a losers game.
But…almost everybody I meet with wants EXACTLY what I have…..Financial Freedom.
What is Financial Freedom?..........
Imagine having enough money coming in every month to pay your bills without you HAVING to go to work……
Imagine having the FREEDOM to CHOOSE to do EXACTLY whatever you want to do with your time without the worry about having the money to pay the bills……
We’re not talking about making millions and millions of dollars, unless of course that’s what you want to shoot for. We’re not even talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars.
For many people, we’re talking about $3,000 a month, or $5,000 or $7,000 a month.
Do you want to DRAMATICALLY increase your odds of becoming a financially free person?
There are only a two groups who have the odds in their favor when it comes to financial freedom….
Professionals, like doctors, lawyers, dentists, etc…… This group earns enough income to be able to save and grow their wealth.
Entrepreneurs…..There are always a small group of entrepreneurs who beat the odds and create businesses that generate a great income.
Which group do you fall into?
Suppose you fall into the first group…..you’re a professional. You’re earning a great 6 figure income. I have many clients who fall into this category.
Guess what!
Most of these “intelligent” people have never been educated about money management, winning the money game, and becoming financially free.
What do they do with all of their money?
They SPEND it! All of it, AND MORE!
We have A NEGATIVE SAVINGS RATE in our country! Our expenses rise to meet our income…..and then some.
But, at least these folks have a fighting chance to win the game if they just learn the rules and take advantage of their situation.
Suppose you fall into the second group…….you’re a highly successful entrepreneur. You’ve figured out how to build a great business and you’re making a lot of money from it. I also have many clients who fall into this category.
Most of these “successful” people have never been educated about money management, winning the money game, and becoming financially free.
What do they do with all of their money?
They SPEND it! All of it, AND MORE!
But, at least these folks have a fighting chance to win the game if they just learn the rules and take advantage of their situation.
If you DON’T fall into one of these 2 categories, YOU HAVE A MAJOR PROBLEM!!
It’s not that you haven’t any chance to ever become financially free, it’s just that the odds are 1 in a million against you.
To improve your odds, you can join one of these groups!
You could decide to go back to school to become a doctor, lawyer or dentist.
You could.
But it would be expensive, and take many years to accomplish.
Or…..You could choose to LEARN how to become an entrepreneur.
You could LEARN the exact thoughts that successful entrepreneurs think!
You could LEARN the exact principles that successful entrepreneurs use!
You could LEARN the exact skills that successful entrepreneurs master!
And you could LEARN step by step, exactly how to build your own successful entrepreneurial business.
Success as an Entrepreneur is a LEARNABLE skill!
It wouldn’t cost as much as going back to school to become a professional.
It wouldn’t take as much time.
For you to win the game, you have got to MASTER 3 areas of money. Each one requires different skills.
You have got to MASTER earning money, then keeping the money your earn, and finally growing the money you keep.
I’ve spent almost 40 years learning the money making secrets to success. Using the principles and strategies I teach my clients I became financially free.
Today my systems and strategies help all of my clients reach their full financial potential
Everyone’s financial potential is different. I can help you reach YOUR financial potential, whatever it is.
You just need to have the desire.
Today, with the aid of my Mastermind group, I am creating a state of the art, one of a kind online learning program that will allow anyone who has the desire to become financially free the tools to make it a reality.
If there was ever a course in your life that you’d want to get an “A” in, this’ll be the one. This course will transform your life. I promise that. You can’t possibly be the same person at the end of this program as you were when you started it.
You will have a new excitement about life that you haven’t felt in a long time. You will have more energy, more enthusiasm, more optimism.
If you want more Wealth and Abundance in your life, this course will be the opportunity of your lifetime.
Keep tuned as I get closer to finishing this program.
This blog is dedicated to everyone who has a burning desire to join the elite top 5%. If you’re one of them, this is the place for you.
Labels: education, entrepreneurship, financial freedom, mastermind, money management, opportunity, success
I have found that the best way for me to become financially independant is to invest in real estate and either flip the property or rent it out to create a residual income. This is especially affective given the downfall of the housing market of late. Thank you for your information, I take it all to heart. :)
Hey cashfl1068,
Great point! If you know what you're doing, real estate is a terrific way to create wealth. My wife Sue and I began investing in Phoenix rental real estate in the late 70's, and is a key part of our passive income stream.
Unfortunately, for every real estate investor who's made money, I've seen dozens more who've lost their shirts. You just need to know what you're doing!
Thanks for your comment.
This sounds amazing! I can't believe that it's possible to have cash coming in without having to go to work.
Do you teach people how to play the stock market? Or how to invest without losing everything?
This is all very interesting. :)
This sounds really intriguing! It's not some get-rich-quick scheme and you don't have to be a rocket scientist. It sounds like learning some basic principles and applying them to your financial life. It's always nice to read from people with real advice instead of just empty promises.
I am a house wife and I find the article very interesting. The training program also seems to be very promising. I have kids to look after so I cannot go out to work. But one thing I really desire is to have financial freedom.I feel this is going to helpful for me.
Hi Nickernack,
You've nailed it!
The key to financial freedom is to create PASSIVE INCOME STREAMS.
Passive income is what you earn when you get interest or dividends on your investments.
It's what you get when you own rental property and the rent each month is more than your payment.
It's the profits you get when you own a business that operates without you having to be there.
It's owning video archade games, or laundomats, or vending machines or any kind of internet marketing business.
When you have enough PASSIVE income, NOT WORKING INCOME, PASSIVE income, you are FREE!
Thanks for your comment.
Hi Brennan,
Thanks for your comment.
Anyone who has the true desire to become financially free can do it today faster than at any other time in human history.
I am a living testament to all that I teach. My clients succeed because they are using time tested proven principles, and strategies that I've learned over the past 40 years of hard knocks.
If you sincerely want to reach financial freedom, and you realize the value of learning from the right mentor, please come back often and read and learn. All the answers you need are right here on this blog.
Thanks again.
wow. this is an amazing blog on becoming financially independent. Best way to live is to live as an entrepreneur, it gives you the maximum satisfaction on job and in life.
That was really a great article, i'll try to follow it to have some independece financialy. Great job, Please keep up the good work to help ohters out.
Thanks a lot buddy.
In today's economic environment I am sure many people will be interested in this. I have found that eliminating revolving debt is an important key to financial freedom. Money managment is not really something we are ever taught in school so most have no idea on how to accomplish it. This sounds like a great opportunity to learn those necessary skills.
Thank you for raising awareness about the need for financial responsibility and savy. It seems these days everyone wants financial freedom but because of busy lives don't dedicate the time and effort needed to their finances. I myself have hit bumps in the road (buying investment properties at the top of the market...ouch) but I'm not giving up. I still have my goals and am giving my finances the time and energy they deserve!
I thought your article was very well written with some good points. I am going to consider them and see what is best for me in my life. I feel like I am making some good strides, so we will see what happens.
What I take away from this fine posting is your emphasis on education. Funny thing is, the older I get, the more value I place on learning. Most people have a declining interest in education as the years pass, and I think that's one key to the problem you keep meeting in your clients. Of course it matters WHAT we learn — but first we need a simple passion to learn more about every area of life, starting with money management.
Thanks Jeff!
I'm fairly young (20) and I work in retail. Not exactly my cup of tea. My boyfriend and I recently purchased a house. It's wonderful to have our own home, but money is tight. I really enjoyed reading your blog, it would be amazing to do something I enjoy and have enough money for bills and fun at the same time! Thanks for providing this information!
I think today in the world that we live in, you pretty much have to have a college degree, or 2 incomes to be able to pay your bills and to survive. I know a lot of people that are struggling not only to find a job in their area, but people who do work, that can not even pay their bills with what they make.
I really like this blog. I see now that financial freedom is the only way to live. I found this article to be very interesting and I am going to look into it.
I have tried many quick schemes before, but this is the real way to do it! The way to financial freedom is a plan and commitment, not a process!
I agree that successful money management is the key to financial success, though I disagree that professionals with high salaries and entrepreneurs are the only ones who can be financially free. I work part-time for minimum wage, and manage to pay my rent and bills with no problems--with enough left over for savings and investment. Don't forget the other successful money-management tip--frugality. You hint at it in your article, that we have a negative savings rate and spend the money as soon as our incomes rise. If you can just step out of keeping up with the Jones for awhile, you can really stock away a lot of money.
Hi Reanaz,
Excellent comment.
It's not how much you make that matters. It's how much you keep after you pay all your bills that matters.
Simplification, or keeping your lifestyle expenses down is one of the keys to winning the money game.
Let's face it, if you need $20,000 a month to live, it's going to take you a lot longer to reach Financial Freedom than if you only need $3,000.
You can become financially free and win the money game on a small salary, it's just going to take you a very long time. All it takes is one major event, like an illness or accident, and you can lose your entire savings in a hurry.
That is why the greater your working income is, the greater you chances for success.
But you are correct, that even with a small income you can win the money game. You might be that 1 in a million!
All the best,
All the best,
This is an amazing blog on becoming financially independent. Best way to live is to live as an entrepreneur, It sounds like learning some basic principles and applying them to your financial life, and would be amazing to do something I enjoy the life through earning online. Thanks for the article! Keep continue
John Wolter
I too have experienced what you said Jeff. You're right on the money.
I’ve worked with thousand of clients and there are two challenges that I see. First is how do you make more money? And second is how do you keep it?
Being and Entrepreneur is really the best way to go. I worked in Corporate America for over 15 years and one day I got laid off. But since that time I went from being unemployed to becoming a millionaire in under three years.
I attribute this to being an Entrepreneur because I no longer had a lid on my income. I don’t think I could have done this any other way.
At times I had though about becoming a professional like a doctor, lawyer or something along that line. But after consulting many of these professionals there is no way I would trade with them. Why?
Because they are overworked and they still have a lid on their income. Worse yet most of these people are living well beyond their means and are worse off than people who have regular jobs.
Additionally I found that these professionals have a bigger problem. These individuals are typically highly educated people. By that I mean they have lots of degrees. The programming they received with these degrees is typically more difficult to unprogram.
You see these people when they realize their education isn’t helping them, they don’t want to give up what they learned because they believe this is their identity. And if they don’t have their education then who are they?
I found that it is actually easier for an ordinary person with less education to become wealthy because they have less baggage.
The good news is, everyone can change if they choose to change. And if they follow your advice I know they will.
Andy Fuehl
Very interesting Andy. When it comes to professinals I hadn't even thought of that angle.
More importantly though, you are living proof that someone can leave the corporate rat race and succeed BIG TIME as an entrepreneur.
Having read your books, and many of your blog postings, and listened to all of your audio programs, I know that you've got the qualifications to speak about entrepreneurship.
Thanks for sharing Andy. I really appreciate it.
Yours is a great article, Jeff! I have read it from top to bottom and I have to agree with you: too many people are wasting their money and afterwards, instead of learning how to reduce their expenses, prefer to take on a second job or work graveyard hours.
I am pretty confident that your services match our expectations. Yours is indeed a real observation in the life of our everyday finances. Congratulations!
Wow, this sounds awesome. Definately things I'll have to keep in mind in the future. :)
I'll have to keep coming back to read more!
As a single parent, the idea of financial freedom is
very enticing. I'm not one of those people who wants millions
of dollars - although I wouldn't complain! Learning about
money - how to make it and how to grow it - is a very
important thing and it sounds like your program will help
people with that goal. I'll keep checking back to see
whats going on with your program. :)
I am very interested in finding out how this works, as a mom with 3 kids this is something I can use.
This has really gotten my attention . As a mom of 3 children I am always looking for way of increasing our income. As they get older I am looking at colleges and worring how we are going to send them. But I am wary of anything that promises to be to good to be true.
I love that you are not professing a get rich quick scheme. These are old fashioned principles of hard work and saving money which America seems to have forgotten on both accounts in the last 30 years. I you don't have it, don't spend it. You also crush the old myth where it was believed only people with professional training could master the money game. It's out there for everyone to master.
Wow! What an informative blog! I felt you were speaking to me directly. All the information you gave was simple and correct. Learning to how to make money and then learning what to do with the money you make is key. I never knew that until now. Thanks.
This is a really great idea! From someone who has lived the life of a professional to someone who is now on the verge of being completely broke, this is inspiring and exciting. I would love nothing more than to have that independence again. Keep me posted!
Your ideas seem logical and great but would take a lot of work to achieve. Your information was helpful and I will defiantly keep it in mind so that I too can have financial freedom. Nowadays you cannot count on real estate or the stocks to help you earn money. More and more people today are losing their house and need some sort of education about money management.
Although I find you post interesting, I have to say that I don't fall into either of those groups and I don't have a big problem.
I'm financially free. I don't have debt, my house is paid for and I don't have car payments. I have money in the bank, I can pay my bills.
We just had a plan as to what we wanted to do with our money and did it.
I definitely think that we live in a culture today that is so consumer driven that we spend spend spend, well beyond our means, seemingly regardless of what those means are. I think that concept of overspending and being... well, flat broke, extends well farther than the middle class. I believe it extends into the upper class, who, by and large should have plenty of money. If we make it, we spend it. Bottom line.
This sounds great to me! I have seen all the "get rich quick" schemes, but this really seems like the real deal. I am the worst when it comes to spending money, especially money I do not have, but I could definitely learn to change all this with your information!
I'm doing better and better at keeping and growing my money. I look forward to your internet program to help me and us to earn more of it.
Larry E.
Hey Jeff,
Amazing my friend... Seeing the graceful way you lead Peak Potentials and now your own path, I see you truly are what you say!
You don't preach somebody else's story, you live it and share it with the presence of a true teacher.
I will go and read from page one!
When time allows...
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