Make a Decision.....
You could observe the habits and thinking of those who struggle daily through life and see why.
That would teach you what not to do.
You could also analyze the habits and thinking of those who are succeeding on a big scale and you’d see why they get those results.
That would teach you exactly what to do if you wanted to have their kind of success.
…..and the sooner you realize both what not to do and what to do, the sooner you’ll be on your path to your greatest success.
How do I know this?
Over the past almost 40 years, since the age of 15, I’ve consciously focused on learning what leads people to failure, and what leads people to success. In my case, I’ve specifically learned about financial success or failure.
Over those 40 years, I’ve spent thousands of hours studying, reading, practicing and teaching in this area.
I got an MBA and a CPA to get as much formal training as I could.
I worked for the largest Fortune 500 companies to be trained with and work with some of the best minds in the business community.
I ran one of the fastest growing business and personal success training companies in North America.
I created financial independence for myself and my family by age 49.
I own a highly successful real estate investment company.
I also own a very successful financial consulting practice.
If you’ve ever heard me give a speech, or know me as a client, you know that I am living proof to all that I teach.
Everything you read here has proven to work for me, just as it has for thousands of others who decide to make the decision to learn it and live it.
I’ve taken the time to learn all of this so you don’t have to….. unless of course, you’d like to spend the next 40 years of your life learning it for yourself.
At the very top of the list of reasons people fail is that they procrastinate. They refuse to make a decision and take action.
They need to think about it.
Have you ever heard that little voice inside your head tell you that?
“I gotta think about it?”
Of course you have.
That little voice is actually your own worst enemy, and it’s called your conditioned mind.
It has no desire for you to change anything in your life. Even if it might lead you to something better, your conditioned mind doesn’t care.
Change requires work. It creates risk. It forces you to get out of your comfort zone, (doing what comes naturally), and your conditioned mind isn’t up for any of it.
The one and only thing your conditioned mind cares about is your survival. It really doesn’t care about your success.
If you’re lazy, your conditioned mind is fine with that. You’re surviving.
If you’re bored, it’s fine with that too. You’re surviving.
If you're struggling, fine too. You’re surviving.
But think about growing, changing, learning or improving, and your conditioned mind will spring into action.
It’ll do everything in its power to keep things the same, and at the same time let you think that you’re going to change.
What that means is that you have to STOP listening to that little voice and begin to take control of your mind and your thoughts.
On the other hand, at the top of the list of things that all successful people do is that they make decisions quickly and decisively, and they change them slowly if at all.
Every day, you make thousands of decisions. It’s the quality of your decisions that determines the quality of your life.
When you make a decision that moves you towards your desires in life, and follow through with action, you automatically call to your aid forces unseen that will actually help you to achieve your dreams.
For you to reach your dreams and goals in life, you’ll have to grow yourself into a person capable of having them. That means, on a daily basis, you need to make decisions and take actions that continually move you towards what you want.
Since a successful person knows what they want in life, they automatically make decisions throughout the day that propel them towards their goals. They don’t spend a lot of time thinking about things, they make the decision and move forward.
When they don’t know what to do, they set a deadline for making a decision, and then go to work getting all the information they need to make an informed one.
They call their contacts that have knowledge and insights.
They explore and research on line or in books.
They do whatever they have to do in order to make a decision, and then they make it.
Will they always be right? Well, is anyone always right?
If you’re afraid to make a decision because you might make the wrong one, you’ll never make one.
If you aren’t reaching your full potential, in any area of your life, I can guarantee you that you are a poor decision maker.
The very best decision you can make right now is to decide that you aren’t going to be controlled by your conditioned mind any more.
Your situation today is a DIRECT RESULT of listening to your conditioned mind up to this point. This is the best it can do for you!
If you want more out of life, you have to fight the daily battle with your conditioned mind until you finally, (through practice), gain the upper hand and train it to be your ally rather than your arch enemy.
Stop listening to it. Today.
Begin to practice making decisions quickly, and acting on them. I promise you that as soon as you stop procrastinating and begin to make decisions quickly, you will begin to move your life onto a whole new level.
Make a decision today to join the Elite top 5% who are achieving their dreams and goals.
Everything you need to know to join this group is right here at this site. Come back often.
Labels: Decisions, Definiteness of Purpose, financial freedom, success
This is a great post. I've always believe that when you have an idea that you need to "just throw it up against the wall"and see what happens. I don't mean just haphazardly doing things without some research and a plan. I think most people get overwhelmed by the seeming size of a project or they wait until everything is just "perfect" before acting. My friend Jon Ward has an expression that sums is up - "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good".
Just get something out there and start swinging!
I found the post very interesting. I could not stop myself from reading the whole post. I think your experince and expertise can help me to achieve my goals too.
As Robert Schank says: to learn you have to do it. Nobody learns by telling, and that is what the educational system is doing since it was created. Learn is doing and fail... and have fun with it if possible. So, if you are in it join with it and do it.
I felt like this post was written especially to me! I'm the worst procrastinator. I've been working recently to make a conscious effort not to allow myself to procrastinate, but it's hard! I've been too conditioned my whole life. But I'll keep trying.
What a speech! A post it may be but its written like a motivational speech - simply wonderful!
Its very true that all of us are conditioned from such a sad early age. You mentioned survival, but there is also society which makes us think we can't do things because they are original.
Look forward to the next post!
I guess I've been listening to that conditioned mind my whole life. I've read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I've taken Donald Trumps's foreclosure course and I'm still stuck in the same rut. I really want to change, not just for me but for my kids too, but fear of the unknown, not fear of succeeding is an enemy of mine. Thanks for your post.
I could not agree more with this blog. I truly feel that our minds control us instead of the other way around and that is 100% due to the way society teaches us to think. Fear is the mind killer and fear is what makes us do or not do most of the things in our life. Great post!
My first thought was that I have the exact hindering attitude that you described. I worry too much about whether or not I fail that I often don't try at all.
If we all just went out and did things we knew to be right, this world would truly be a better place.
Thank you!
Your wisdom here is more necessary today than it has ever been.
The little voice of survival is not so little these days — in fact it's becoming the only voice many people are hearing.
Times are tough & people are scared. That's when we most need to keep our focus on our dreams, and have the guts to make clear, firm and positive decisions.
Thanks for the reminder, Jeff!
I found your post intriguing. I know I personally really had to work hard to stop procrastination. I do follow the advice of setting myself a deadline to decide or else I will mull an idea over forever.
I think the 1st step of deciding to do sometime isn't the important step. The important step for me is to actually take action. I look forward to reading more of your posts! Great advice!
Very concise advice for what is going in these times. I think a lot of the conditioning for the conditioned mind comes from all the distraction in the world. These days, it almost takes a certain type of mind to be able to do it outright, without any trouble. The rest of us have to constantly work at it. Trust me, I know it.
Great post to get into action rather than endless planning and trying to prepare a perfect plan that is never going to be implemented. The best ideas are those that are put into practice with moderate success. No idea can be considered good without actually trying it out.
Thank you, Jeff, for this very inspiring, thought-provoking post. It really is what people need to hear, including myself, and it's also what many people just don't realize. So, thanks again for telling it like it is!
Change is difficult, anyone knows that. I also agree that you have to embrace change and make decisions. However, making decisions without thinking them through could lead to a lot of trouble. Don't overanalize, but think things through. He says people think too much about making decisions, but he also suggests calling knowledgable people for references or insight or doing online research. This is called thinking things through and making an informed decision. Yes, changes can make your life better, but decisions that aren't thought out can also make it worse. Which is better, to jump head first with eyes closed, or jump feet first, with eyes wide open? Which will get the better results.
Wow, Jeff!
This is an beautiful post! I am so inspired by your words. It felt like you were talking directly to me... I'm at a point in my life where I feel a little stuck, and I know all I need to do is make a decision, but there are so many directions I know I would enjoy traveling in. Instead of thinking about it, I'm going to set a deadline, do my research and make a decision. Today.
You have been a catalyst for great change in my life. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Thank you friend. I'll be checking your site often.
Natalie Dianne
Absolutely! I've been trying to teach the very same thing to my son lately. He's just beginning to understand the failure to make a decision is a decision in and of itself. I have watched him miss out on the chance to play with friends because he couldn't decide which invite to accept. Poor guy! But I'm learning to better utilize these teachable moments to reinforce this lesson for both of us.
It just doesn't seem possible to live life to the fullest while spending more time doubting myself than trusting my initial judgment. If the water isn't completely unknown and murky - dive on in and at least float awhile!
This is a great post and I enjoyed reading your insights, though I felt they were quite general. I do agree though, that successful people are the ones who know what they want and go for it. Very few people are "just lucky". You have to work for it and work had to sustain it. Some people just like to say or think about things they want to do, but never actually follow through. It's especially obvious with today's generation of kids who "want it all and want it now". What happened to working hard and THEN getting rewarded?
This is a very well written post with a great message. I wrote one regarding resistance to change this morning and it's got a similar theme.
I almost feel like you are trying to sell something but I don't see anything for sale.....did I miss something?
I appreciate the information and will be reading more of your content.
Thanks for sharing!
Well stated! The most inspiration and knowledge regarding success I've ever received came from a family I was nanny for in California, and I thought of them the whole time! They were some of the wealthiest people I've ever personally known, and I remember being constantly surprised by risky decisions they would make--my little mind would always think, "Why risk that! You've got such a good thing going...". But their good things were the direct result of the risks they took. Anyway, great post!
I am certainly a procrastinator, so I can certainly nod in agreement to much of what was said here. I am curious though about the balance between making quick decisions and being too impulsive. The post seems to advocate a "just make a decision already" mentality and then talk about collecting information and considering the best decision. I understand what the goal of those thoughts is, but it could probably be clarified a little better.
Hi bft102008,
Thanks for your comment.
There is no absolute answer for how long it should take to make a decision.
Some decisions can be made instantaneously. Many people have problems even making these kinds of decisions.
Other decisions require some thought and research.
The point is that every successful person I've ever known gathers the information they need as quickly as possible, and then make their decision.
I've practiced this habit for almost 40 years.
If you want to take lots of time to get all the information, be my guest. However, the odds are overwhelming that if you typically take forever to make a decision, chances are overwhelming that you will not see the success you want for yourself.
It's your choice. I'm simply telling you what's worked for me and countless others who have followed this course for the past 100 years.
The author has not tried to point at the flaw or weakness of the education system, but he has mentioned about what we need to improve upon and practice what we learnt. He has very effectively made point that to be successful we need to study the success or failure stories of the people in the past. This can greatly enhance our chances to be successful when we try out the similar or different things in our life.
This is good advice. As my boss always says "I can forgive someone who makes a bad decision sooner than I can forgive someone who does nothing at all". The only way to learn is by trying things and learning from your mistakes. If you wait you will miss a lot off good opportunities.
Quite an inspirational tale. I've bookmarked your blog and will check it out often in the future. Also I'll try to refer it to some friends that could really need some info on this.
HELLO. I agree with the views.
I agree with your views. you need to take risks to go ahead in your life. If you keep to safe ventures you are not likely to achieve success. You will always pine for it but never get it. It is always better to have tried for something instead of not taking any fruitful action.
The concept of having a conditioned mind really made me think. I personally have done this. I have conditioned myself to settle for things i know I wouldnt be satisfied with. We all want the same things in life but how much work we are willing to put into it is the key.
This post really made me think. By doing these things and learning from other people i could really change my life and actually get round to doing some things. I haven't read Rich Dad poor Dad but i definitely will now.
// they automatically make decisions throughout the day that propel them towards their goals. //
How true! This is what I've also been trying to do - make decisions. As you rightly say, it's my conditioned mind which has been preventing me from making these decisions. I'll try to overcome this now and make decisions - right or not.
Enlightening post.
Love the action post. I often feel sometimes action is better than no action, even if it might not be the best action at the time. Taking the offensive keeps you in an active mindset which always has you ready to attack daily challenges with energy and desire. Once you have the knowledge required, those decisions will be made quickly and correctly.
Thanks Jeff,
I keep coming back to read your posts. As always they are a source of encouragement and inspiration.
Larry E.
Thanks for bringing up a topic that affects nearly everybody. It has a million different disguises and hides in everybody's mind. I can't tell you how many times I've analyzed myself right in to paralysis, a.k.a. analysis paralysis.
Thank you for your post; spot on about top 5% learning to take their life back and turn that "little voice" into a friend to be a guide to continue pushing our limits of greatness. :)
Your passion resonated through in your post today. Be well.
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