Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Your Burning Desire.....

Do you want to join the elite top 5% who seem to succeed at everything they set their minds to?

What’s the big secret that separates them for the other 95% of the crowd?

If you knew the magical formula for major success, would you follow that formula?

It’s one thing to know what to do, but it’s a whole different thing to do what you know.

Over the past 36 years I’ve dedicated myself to learning the universal laws that creates success automatically in every important area of my life.

At the top of the list is to have a Burning Desire. Until you know exactly what you want, and have a Burning Desire to have it, you’re chances of achieving any kind of significant success will be slim.

In his best selling book, “Think and Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill emphasizes the importance of understanding this law at the unconscious level.

Desire is something that is rare in society these days. Most people have wants, but their desire isn’t great enough for them to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get it.

If you aren’t COMMITTED to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals, you will quit at the first sign of trouble.

Commitment comes from having that Burning Desire. And the biggest problem I see is that few people have a Burning Desire for anything. Most take whatever life hands them, and live with little passion and enthusiasm for their life and their life’s work.

When I was in the Corporate consulting world, I used to look at all the faces of the employees I’d see going into work each day. For perhaps 98%, they were going through the motions, enduring their day, and watching the clock waiting for lunch hour and the time they could escape their little work cubes and get home.

Unfortunately, that’s the vast majority of the people out there. They’re trapped in their jobs and in their life.

But imagine if you had a burning desire to squeeze the very most out of every day. Imagine if you had a burning desire to become the very best person you could be. Imagine having the burning desire to make a difference in the lives of the people you care about. Imagine having a burning desire to live a life of excitement, passion and enthusiasm.

Would it make a difference?

You bet it would. It would make a world of difference.

Begin today to develop a burning desire to succeed as a person.

If you do, your entire life will change for the better, and you will transform your life into something very special.




Blogger Jeff Evans said...

My desire is burning. It's burning so bright right now that the area that I set out to improve has now bled over into other areas. It's a great feeling.

6:49 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

The burning minority's desire!
Larry E.

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we have all been there. I know deep down inside there is a better place for me. Settling in and not taking any chances brings you deeper into your comfort zone. Over time it is harder to climb out of the hole.

7:55 AM  

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