Wednesday, February 06, 2008

How Committed are You?

The quality of your thinking determines your actions, which in turn determines your results.

Let's examine another of Harv Eker's "Wealth files" and see if it's consistent with your current thinking. If it isn't, maybe it's time to change your "file"?


Rich People are committed to being rich.
Poor people want to be rich.

Ask most people if they want to be rich, and by far, they answer yes! I ask my clients this question all the time, and the majority of people say that they absolutely want to be rich.

The simple fact is that MOST people say that they want to get rich, when in reality they don’t.

When I ask my clients “what could possibly be bad about getting rich or trying to get rich?” I generally hear the same things over and over…..

I’ll have to work too hard…..

I’ll be in the highest tax bracket…..

Everyone will want a handout…..

I could lose my health trying to get rich…..

Etc., Etc., Etc.,

All of these reasons are stored in your current “wealth files”, which means that whether you realize it or not, they are a part of your beliefs when it comes to money and success.

On the one hand, you have POSITIVE feelings and beliefs about creating wealth and becoming financially free, while on the other hand, you have NEGATIVE feelings about THE EXACT SAME TOPIC!

What that means is that you will ALWAYS be sending mixed messages about what you really want, and you will ALWAYS sabotage yourself when it comes to wealth because of your mixed feelings. These mixed messages are one of the major reasons most people never become rich.

You now have the opportunity to open up your current WEALTH FILE, and begin to look at what negative feelings you are carrying around inside of you about Money, Success, Wealth, Rich People.

If you heard that wealthy people are greedy, that information is a part of your wealth file. (By the way, are all wealthy people greedy? Probably some are, and some aren’t. Most of the wealthy people I know are also the most generous people I know.)

If you heard that rich people are crooks….(some are, most aren’t)

If you heard that you’ll have to pay too much in taxes…(Jeez, I guess that means you made a lot of money huh?)

If you heard that you have to work hard for money…(actually, if you work smart, you won’t have to work hard for TOO long!)

Whatever you’ve heard IN YOUR LIFETIME, it’s all stored in your current WEALTH FILES. All the positives and ALL THE NEGATIVES.

It’s your job to begin to weed out the negatives, and focus on the ways of thinking that will support you in getting your best results.

The primary reason most people don’t get what they want is because they DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT. Wealthy people don’t have mixed feelings about becoming rich! They are clear about their desire to create wealth. They don’t send mixed messages to themselves or the Universe!

Wealthy people are COMMITTED to becoming wealthy. They are prepared to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to reach their goals. As long as it’s moral, legal and ethical, rich people are willing to sacrifice to become wealthy.

Poor people have lots of reasons why they might NOT want to become rich. And as long as they continue to send out mixed messages to others and themselves, they'll never be rich.

We’ve talked about the power of intention previously. Intention isn’t necessarily what we say we want, but rather what we actually want unconsciously. And most of my clients will say to me, “Why would I want to struggle?” to which I respond, “I don’t know, why would you want to struggle?”

Chances are, if you aren’t seeing the financial results you want in your life, you are either sending out mixed messages, or you aren’t willing to do whatever it takes to create wealth for yourself. It’s one or the other! You can CHOOSE to change your WEALTH FILES so that you aren’t sending out mixed messages, and you can find your TRUE PASSION so that you ARE willing to do whatever it takes to create wealth for yourself.

Taking this point further, Harv points out the 3 levels of “wanting”. Level one is….I want to be rich, as in, if someone hands it to me, I’ll gladly accept it. Of course, there’s a huge difference between wanting something and having something. Just look around you, how many people do you know who say they want to be rich compared to how many people are rich?

The next level is to CHOOSE to be rich. At least with this level, you are making a conscious choice to become rich. It’s a step in the right direction, but only that, a step.

When you COMMIT to becoming rich, when you are prepared to give 100% of yourself to your goal, that’s when you will start seeing results. When you are ready to hold nothing back, to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes, and NEVER QUIT, then you have the mindset it takes to reach the levels of success we’re talking about here.

To COMMIT means to GIVE COMPLETELY OF ONESELF. It means to become PERSISTENT in the course of action you are taking until you have reached your goal.

In “Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill says these brilliant remarks about PERSISTENCE…

“There is no substitute for persistence! It cannot be supplanted by any other quality! Remember this in the beginning and it will hearten you when the going may seem difficult and slow.

Those who have cultivated the habit of persistence seem to enjoy insurance against failure. No matter how many times they are defeated, they finally arrive up near the top of the ladder.

Sometimes it appears there is a hidden guide whose duty is to test people through all sorts of discouraging experiences. Those who pick themselves up after defeat and keep on trying arrive; and the world cries, "Bravo! I knew you could do it!" The hidden guide lets no one enjoy great achievement without passing the persistence test. Those who can't take it simply do not make the grade.

Those who can "take it" are bountifully rewarded for their persistence. They receive, as their compensation, whatever goal they are pursuing.”

Understanding this wealth file is critical. No more mixed messages. When you are prepared to COMMIT 100% of yourself to creating wealth, you will begin to see the results you want.

Put your hand on your chest and say this declaration out loud….




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Blogger Edgar said...

Hi, Jeff!

I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that these posts have been helpful to me in reinforcing some thoughts and beliefs.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the wealth files.

11:53 AM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

I thought I was on the correct path but full committal includes eliminating those potential negative thoughts previously filed.
Larry E.

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have sent mixed signals. The blogs and the books have helped reduce my doubts and I believe I can accomplish anything. I need to keep reinforcing this wealth file unitl it becomes automatic for me.

5:15 PM  

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