Your Choices and Decisions....
You chose the car you drive. You chose the work you do. You chose the income you earn. You chose the mate you have. You chose the level of fitness you have. You chose the weight you carry. You chose the friends you have, the places you’ve gone, the habits you do or don’t do.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how well have you done with the choices and decisions you’ve made? Is your life a 10? A 9? An 8?
Your THINKING, and your BELIEFS have played a major role in the choices and decisions you’ve made in your life. If your life isn’t an 8 or better, it’s time to consider making better decisions and choices in your life.
The first thing YOU NEED to accept is that YOU AND YOU ALONE are responsible for the results in your life. Don’t look for excuses.
So, one of your primary goals should be to become a master of making good choices and decisions. Guess what’ll happen in your life when you improve the choices and decisions you make?
How do you improve your choices and decisions? You do it by IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF INFORMATION you gather to make your choices and decisions. In other words, you EDUCATE yourself in the areas of importance to you! With added knowledge, you can make a BETTER decision. As you make better decisions, you improve the results in your life.
Remember, that success is AN INSIDE GAME! When you win the INNER GAME, you win the OUTER GAME by default!
Well I thought I was playing by all the win the inner game...but I'm not a "10" in all fields...yet. I guess I have more to learn.
Larry E.
I certainly have come a long way in my quest for knowledge. There is so much information out there that I want to focus on that I need to take a class on how to focus now. What a vicious cycle.
I can never get enough knowledge on any topic. I research as much as I can on something I know I will need to purchase in the coming months. I use it as a
fail to plan - plan to fail attitude
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