Understanding Your Mind....
As a child, most of the data you stored in your files was based on what you heard, what you saw, and what you experienced. IT BECAME THE FOUNDATION FOR THE WAY YOU THINK TODAY.
YOU will accelerate your path to success when you fully understand the message you are about to receive. PAY ATTENTION!
YOUR MIND, the way you use YOUR MIND, the thoughts, ideas and suggestions you intentionally place in YOUR MIND, will absolutely determine everything of importance you will have in your life.
After studying the greatest minds in the areas of success, this fact is irrefutable. You will succeed to the extent that you master your mind and the information you chose to enter it. Everything begins right here. If you want to be the MASTER of just one thing in your life, learn to master your mind and the way you think.
Think of your mind as a high powered race car capable of going at 220 miles per hour. Most of us are driving around at 25 miles an hour, using only a very small portion of our horsepower. Even that’s probably an exaggeration since researchers estimate that most people are using about 3% of their brain power capacity!
The high achievers in life, the most successful, aren’t driving around at 25 miles an hour like the majority does. They’ve taken the time to learn how to get the very best quality of information into their minds, and they learned how to get the maximum results out of their minds. They’re driving around at 220!
What speed are you driving around at? Have you created a high performance car to travel your journey through life with?
The most critical thing you can ever truly understand is that before you can ever win the “OUTER GAME” of life, you must first win the “INNER GAME” of life. And the first rule to winning the INNER GAME is to master your mind, the way you think, and the information you chose to enter into it.
If you want to join the elite, top 5% of the crowd, and enjoy a life filled with happiness, success and abundance, continue to fill your mind with new ways of thinking, find the better ways, and always, TAKE MASSIVE ACTION.
Together, let’s make sure that 2008 is a turning point year in your life.
Labels: Mind
Interesting: just an hour ago, my young assistant asked me where he should begin on the path to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Almost the first thing that came out of my mouth: "It's an inner game."
The question of how best to use the mind has become for me a life-obsession. I am working on a book called Zoom Thinking which is all about how best to use this fabulous instrument we have been given.
The main principle I have learned so far is that we need far more mobility in our thinking than we are accustomed to. There's huge value in being able to switch focus and POV quickly and often, while holding attention on the same object of thought. This is a skill that can be learned and mastered.
More later! Meanwhile, thanks for raising this crucial topic, Jeff.
PS FYI I have changed the URL I am linking these comments to: http://www.marketingactionprogram.com/blog This is my blog where I am currently following the presidential election campaign as the World's Greatest Free Branding Seminar...
I am finally beginning to see the impact that mastering my mind has had. I haven't by any means mastered it or above average yet, but am definitely aware, and taking action. The best has yet to come.
Yes..Mind matters. Keep it positively growing toward the goal.
Larry E.
I have seen a change in the way I think from these blogs and the books I am reading. Sometimes the messages are the same but in a different context.I am not a master yet but the thinking is starting to become more automatic.
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