Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Test.....

Are you willing to participate 100%?

Here’s your test…..

I want you to take 5 minutes RIGHT NOW, and list your 5 BIGGEST GOALS for 2008. These are the goals that IF YOU ACHIEVE THEM you will KNOW that 2008 was a successful year. DO IT NOW.



If you’ve actually done what I asked you to do, then I congratulate you. If you’re still reading, and didn’t do the test, let’s examine why this happened, and what it means for you and your chances of success.

The BIG lesson here, is that the truly successful people in life aren’t content to just read and think about successful ideas. They are focused on action. They are focused on DOING.

You read the test. And if you didn’t do the test, why didn’t you do it? Did that little voice inside your head say…..”I don’t actually have to do it, let’s just see what Jeff writes next”, or maybe……..”that’s too much thinking, I kinda know what I want, that’s good enough”, or maybe…..”I never accomplish any of my goals anyways, why would I even want to bother anymore”. Whatever that little voice inside your head did to stop you this time, is THE SAME STORY IT TELLS YOU TO STOP YOU ALL THE TIME.

Virtually all of my clients say they want to be financially free. Yet none of them are doing the steps and taking the proper actions that will give them a chance to win that game.

If you really want to be successful, really, really, really, really successful, learn this lesson well.

Successful people are DOERS. They’ll spend 90 minutes a day planning and thinking and working ON their business, and then they spend the next 14 hours working IN their business. Unsuccessful people will plan and study for 6 months, prepare for every contingency, anticipate every possible situation, and never actually DO anything.

My friend and mentor Harv Eker said it best a long time ago. He said that when it came to successful people, their mindset is Ready, FIRE, Aim. Fire immediately and fire often. Once you fire, you can see if you’re close to your target, or if you need to aim better for your next shot. Plan on firing over and over and over and over and over again. Plan to never stop firing until you are right on your target and hitting it every time.

Now, let’s talk about YOU.

If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, I ask you to do certain exercises from time to time. You’ve learned a money management system that is easy to implement. You’ve learned the attitudes of an Enlightened Warrior and the daily declarations you want to repeat to cement these attitudes within you. You’ve learned the principles taught by Napoleon Hill for “Thinking and Growing Rich”.

Let me ask you something. Are you DOING the money management system, or was it too hard…too much work…..never got around to it….or fill in YOUR excuse here.

Are you doing the Daily Declarations of an Enlightened Warrior and laying a new foundation for your ways of thinking, or was it too hard….too much work….never got around to it….or fill in YOUR excuse here.

If you’re reading my blog for entertainment value, then you’ve completely missed the boat. If you’re reading my blog for information, then you’ve only gotten 10% of what we’re trying to accomplish here. BUT, IF YOUR READING MY BLOG FOR INFORMATION THAT YOU WILL IMMEDIATELY IMPLEMENT IN YOUR LIFE, then you have figured it out.

If you haven’t done the exercise I asked you to do at the beginning of this post, do it now. More important, reflect on the fact that until you change your habit from being a passive learner to an ACTIVE DOER, you will NEVER see success at the levels we’re talking about here.



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Blogger Edgar said...

Hi, Jeff. This is Edgar. Aracely and I spoke with you this past Saturday and I wanted to state, once again, that I am glad we, somehow, ended up with you as advisor. I can relate to a few of the concepts/explanations that you talk about. I will subscribe to the RSS feed of your blog so I don't miss any post. We'll be in touch.

12:10 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

I haven't done it for a few days. And I'm on a mini vacation. But I did it immediately, thank you very much. It is motivating!
Larry E.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Jeff Evans said...

I have outlined my five biggest goals and can see the ones that I have made headway on. I can also see the ones that I need to start moving on as this year is almost over :)


8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

08 goals are set and can be achieved. Accts are set up abd time is ticking.

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I cant tell you enough how you have inspired me. I appreciate all that you do; the business you share the ideas,motivation and support.You are a fantastic individual.
The blog is Great.Looking forward to the launch of the new website
David Wolf
Mortgage Consultant

8:59 PM  

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