The First of Seventeen.....
This is a turning point in your life!
Remember this date, mark it down, and circle it.
If you TRULY GRASP what you’ll be reading about now and over the next while, you will transform your life in such a way, that your only regret is that you didn’t learn this and apply it years ago.
For the past 30 months, I’ve been writing about SUCCESS. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to talk about success without talking about THE MIND. They go hand in hand.
The information you intentionally choose to learn about and store in your mind is the stuff from which your ideas come from. Put lots of great “quality” information into your memory files, and you’ll get lots of great “quality” ideas out of your mind.
Napoleon Hill wrote in “Think and Grow Rich” that “thoughts are things and powerful things at that”. In “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, Harv Eker wrote that ‘Everything begins with your thoughts”.
It’s pretty incredible that our minds, the most important tool we have to live the life of our desires, is something most people never really learn much about or understand.
Think of your mind as a computer that has files saved in it. Suppose you have to make a decision about money. In your memory banks you pull out your file labeled Money. That is the only information you can base your decision on, since that’s what you’ve got stored in your memory about money. Based on your information at that time you make a decision that seems like the right choice. The big problem is that your right choice may not be a SUCCESSFUL one. In fact, what seems like the perfect answer to you may give you poor results over and over again.
Suppose your friend tells you that he’s found a new car he wants, the exact model and color he wants, and it’s now on sale at 25% off! His mind is thinking, well…I really want this new car, AND it’s the exact model and color I want, AND it’s 25% off. He goes off to the dealer bursting with pride that he got the exact car he wanted and got it at 25% off.
To your friend, this made perfect sense. He wanted it, it was exactly what he was looking for, and it was a great deal. However, at no point during this process did his mind come up with the idea that he was already $35,000 in debt, and that maybe he should hold off.
He didn’t think that, because nowhere in his mind was a file that says “When you’re in debt, don’t get deeper into debt”. And since that file wasn’t there, that option wasn’t available to him.
The point is that if your money files aren’t supportive to financial success, those are the only choices you can make. They’ll seem like the right choices, and they’ll make perfect sense to you. Unfortunately, they’ll produce mediocre or lousy results.
On the flip side, if you’ve got money files that support your success, you will automatically make choices that produce successful results.
Naturally, if you begin to think like wealthy people think, you will begin to get the kinds of results that wealthy people do. So we need to learn and understand how rich people think.
The fact is, wealthy people think very differently about money and success than poor and middle class people. That is the purpose of the “Wealth Files”.
Perhaps for the first time as an adult, you can now pull out and examine your wealth files. Once you become AWARE of what’s in those files, you can decide if you still want to believe what’s in those files, or if it’s time to UPDATE them.
This exercise in examining your current files and revising and updating them is a key to your future success. Harv discusses 17 “Wealth Files” and we will look at all of them.
What you are about to learn has transformed the lives of thousands of people. How do I know? Well…first off, I’ve used them myself to achieve extraordinary results. But also, as Director of Operations for Peak Potentials, I personally saw the results Harv’s students were achieving! I’d meet them at various programs, and we’d get emails all the time. Daily.
Rich people believe “I create my life.”
Poor people believe “Life happens to me.”
Which do you believe? Honestly?
If you want to become rich, you’d better BELIEVE that you are responsible for the direction of your life, especially your financial life. Otherwise, you must BELIEVE that you have no control over the direction of your life and little or no control of your financial life. That is NOT the mindset of a rich person!
You have to believe that you are responsible for your success, or your mediocrity, or even your failure and struggle around money and success.
As opposed to rich people, poor people enjoy taking on the role of the VICTIM. How can you tell when someone is playing a VICTIM?
They leave 3 clues. First clue is that they blame. They blame everything and everyone except themselves. It’s never ever their fault. It’s always somebody else’s.
Second clue is that they justify. “Well…’s not that important anyways!” If you really think that money’s not important, guess how much of it you’re going to have??
Third clue is that they complain. They complain about everything. Problem here is that what we focus on expands. So if we’re focusing on what we don’t like, what we don’t want, what do you think we’re going to get MORE of? Stay as far away from complainers as you can.
Now it’s time for you to decide. You can either choose to be a victim or you can choose to be rich. But you can’t be both.
Every time you blame, justify or complain, from now on, realize THAT YOU ARE SLITTING YOUR FINANCIAL THROAT!!
Now, place your hand on your chest and say this declaration out loud….
Labels: Harv Eker, Mind, Napoleon Hill, Wealth files
Great blog
Was wondering whether you would like to exchange links.
(Communications, Media, Brands, Creative Thinking)
(Creative Thinking and Media, and arts, film, animation, books, travel).
I have worked as an Advertising Account Planner (the person behind the 'big' marketing 'idea' in an ad campaign), Copywriter, TV Researcher, and more.
I have to take responsibility to accept that money is important to me and I am taking action that allows riches to come to me.
Larry E.
Well I am familiar with many of these ideas from exposure to several teachers... And familiarity is dangerous, it breeds contempt. In fact, I had come to believe that this approach "may work for others but hasn't worked for me."
Now I have decided to adopt what I teach my own students: "beginner's mind". I'm forgetting what I thought I knew, wiping the slate clean and rethinking everything from scratch.
My results to date clearly show that some major file changes are needed in my wealth consciousness. I'm ready for the change!
I need to break out the ole' Think & Grow Rich book again. It's about time for a refresher.
Understanding that we make our own lives is not hard to me. I have seen freinds and family who have a negative attitude never improve. If you cannot surround yourself with positive people then move. Take action . Do whatever it takes.
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