There is a natural progression....
This is a critical question that you have to ask yourself, because the answer you come up with could have a huge impact on the future course of your life.
First off, let’s make sure we understand that success means different things to different people. We’re all individuals with unique wants and talents, and we do not all want the same things.
Let’s also understand that in today’s society, FINANCIAL success IS JUST AS IMPORTANT as every other area of success. It is something all of us share in common.
Financial success rarely happens by accident. Financial success comes to the individual who has PREPARED THEMSELVES FOR FINANCIAL SUCCESS. Some people refer to it as your “FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT”.
It’s an area that I have devoted the past 38 years of my adult life. As a result, I am living proof that there are strategies that allow ANYONE to create financial freedom if it’s something that they truly want.
So, one of the first questions I ask all of my clients is just how important financial freedom is to them. And as we go through our conversation about their financial lives, I can see everything I need to in order to accurately predict their financial future.
I see their income and earning patterns. I see their spending and savings patterns. I see their investing patterns. I see if they work hard for their money, or if it comes easily for them. I see if their self employed or are they salaried. Just like my friend and mentor Harv Eker, “give me 5 minutes with anybody, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life”.
In my previous post, I wrote that the single most important thing you must MASTER in your life is your MIND, how it works, and the INFORMATION you INTENTIONALLY choose to seek out and store in it.
In the financial arena, you must seek out and store NEW INFORMTION about the MONEY GAME, and HOW to WIN the money game!
Those of you who have read this blog over time know that I have written about this subject repeatedly. Yet, in my daily dealings with clients and prospects, it is apparent that only a very few handful of people understand how to play and win the money game. The vast majority are failing, many at dreadful rates!
PROMISE YOURSELF THAT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE ONE OF THEM! Promise yourself that you are going to accumulate all the information you need to become financially free, and that you will have the courage to take your knowledge and apply it!
If you want to become financially free, where do you start?
I always start by learning from those who are ALREADY financially free. I always learn from those who have already gone through the stages and have identified winning strategies. It doesn’t really make me much of an original thinker, but I’m only too happy to learn from those more experienced and successful than I am in their specific areas.
The experts in the area of winning the money game all say the same thing. First, YOU need to define what winning the money game means to YOU. Does it mean having a job making $35,000 a year, $50,000, $100,000, $250,000 or more? Does it mean being able to go out for dinner once or twice a week? Does it mean taking a nice vacation every year? Does it mean owing a nice home? What exactly does winning the money game mean to you?
For me, winning the money game means FREEDOM. It means Financial Freedom. It means CHOICE. When I have enough income every month to pay all of my bills whether I go to work or not, I AM FREE! From that moment on in my lifetime, I only work if I choose to, not because I have to. From that moment on in my lifetime, I only work at what I am truly passionate about.
I became financially free at the age of 52. I can verify for you that there are few things in life that can lift your spirit like financial freedom can.
There is a way of thinking that financially free people think which is completely different than those who aren’t financially free. In fact, only a small minority, far less than 5% have these ways of thinking. Again, this is based on my observations of the hundreds of clients I see annually.
Harv Eker wrote about the major distinct differences between how those who win the money game think and those who don’t win the game in his best selling book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”. He discusses 17 “Wealth Files” that separate the winners from the losers.
IF YOU SIMPLY FOLLOW THE ROADMAP THAT HARV OFFERS, AND INSTALL these new “wealth files” into your ways of thinking, you automatically begin moving towards your desire for freedom, and attracting to you the people, circumstances and events that will help you along your way.
Over the next while, I’ll be reviewing these wealth files again, mostly as a reminder to myself. I would encourage you to adopt these files to your way of thinking, and the SOONER THE BETTER.
Don’t worry that you’ll be thinking in a completely different way from the rest of your friends, family and associates. Rejoice in it! If you think how everybody else thinks, and do what everybody else does, you’ll get what everybody else gets, which isn’t much!
Financial Freedom is available to the person who is prepared for it. Start preparing NOW!
Labels: financial freedom, Harv Eker
You are right, there is a natural progression, and for most people it means doing the same thing over and over. That same thing is usually nothing.
As you know from our interactions, the best thing that a person can do is commit, TODAY, to make sure that the natural progression they are following is one of ACTION.
Just do something, anything. And more importantly, DO IT NOW. DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE!!!!!
I promise to prepare myself for financial freedom.
Larry E.
A practical step here. I realized I didn't actually have Harv's book. So I just used an Xmas gift (Barnes & Noble gift card) which exactly paid for it online.
The book is on its way to me. And I am on my way to financial freedom!
Harv's book has helped motivate and educate me on the money game. I helps me understand the steps I must take in order to become financially free. I have told people about these books and they always want to borrow them. I just tell them I will never be done learning from these books.
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