Birds of a Feather.....
We’ve already reviewed the first 6 of Harv Eker’s WEALTH FILES that he presents in his best selling book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind".It’s time to get back into this review, because there are many more files inside your mind you need to review and adjust. Until you have added the positive philosophical attitudes and eliminated your negative ingrained attitudes, you will always struggle financially.
Let’s take at look at ….
Rich People associate with positive, successful people.
Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.
Keep your WEALTH FILES open, so that you can continue to examine what’s currently STORED in them. Chances are, you’ve had your current beliefs stored there for a very long time, and haven’t really evaluated whether or not they are what you believe today.
Let’s hear it for successful people. They are an inspiration and proof positive that success is possible. If they can do it, so can you!
At the age of 15 I learned a lesson so valuable that it changed my life forever. I learned that to become really good at something, learn from someone who is ALREADY really good at it. In fact, I was taught that the BEST people to learn from are those who are already very good at what you want to be.
The word I was taught was to MODEL. I was taught to MODEL the THINKING and ACTIONS of people who were already successful at what I wanted to be successful at.
Over the past 39 years of following that philosophy, I know first hand how true this concept of MODELING is. If you model the most successful people you know in the areas of their success, if you learn to think the way that they do, and you learn to act the way they do, you will have success the same way they do. I have lived my entire adult life with this philosophy, and it’s worked magic for me.
If you want to be rich, model rich and successful people. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
Poor people will be the first to put you down if you try and grow and reach for success. Rather than inspire you, motivate you and support you, most poor people will laugh at you and shake their heads.
That’s why I always make it a point to seek out positive minded, successful people. If we’re all going to have friends anyway, we might as well have friends that are supportive, successful, caring, inspiring and motivating.
Energy is contagious. You either affect people or you infect them, and that’s also true of others towards you. Would you want to hug someone who has measles? A negative mind is like the brain having measles. Who wants to be near it??
Ever heard the expression…”Birds of a feather flock together”? Rich and successful people tend to surround themselves with other rich and successful people. As you begin to surround yourself with like minded people, you will see your life elevate to another level.
So, what does your current WEALTH FILE say? Are you associating with positive, successful people, or with negative or unsuccessful people? Think it makes a difference?
Now put your hand on your chest and say…
I model rich and successful people.
I associate with rich and successful people.
If they can do it, I can do it!
Labels: beliefs, Harv Eker, Mind, success, Wealth files
I have been paying attention to people at work about their attitude. It makes me stop and think when somebody says a negative comment. The little voice in my head says think positive and avoid this person. The more positive I can be the more sucessful I will be.
I'd rather fly with the eagles than work with the turkeys. Being around negatives can be draining but can we help change them and remain strong?
Larry E.
This is one area that I usually have under control. I always try to surround myself with very well rounded and grounded people.
I have people that I associate with on almost a daily basis that work for themselves, which is of course where I want to be.
I'm on the right track as we speak. I've found my area that I'm going to excel in, I'm in the learning process.
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