Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Never Ending Process....

The next few minutes will be a reminder of something you already know, but probably don’t think about often enough. This time, as you think about it, you’ll want to open up your BELIEFS and put “HIGH PRIORITY” on this one.

On a daily basis, I see people looking for answers. They’re looking for answers to all of their financial problems. They’re looking for the magic pill. They’re looking for the instant fix. They’re looking for something that doesn’t exist. Worst off, they’re looking in all of the wrong places.

Let’s get back to the basics.

2 people go to a seminar. One of them takes the information and skyrockets to success. For the other, nothing much happens. How does this happen? Why do so many people fail after spending thousands of dollars at seminars learning how to do something?

The answer is primarily found in the fact that the information is only a TOOL. It is only of use if you actually DO something with it. It is only as valuable AS THE PERSON WHO IS IN POSESSION OF IT.

Before you can be successful in the “outer” world, you must first be successful in the “inner” world. Before you can achieve great success in anything, you will have to GROW YOURSELF INTO SOMEONE CAPABLE OF ACHIEVING GREAT SUCCESS.

Success is an INSIDE game. It’s LEARNABLE, and within anyone’s control.

Notice the word LEARNABLE. It’s critical you think about this for a second. Success isn’t one huge step; it’s thousands of little steps. Many of these steps can be done with no new skills or knowledge. But some will require new knowledge or skills. You might choose to hire someone to fill in your weaknesses. You might choose to learn new skills to fill in some of the critical steps. To be successful, you will be learning and improving constantly.

Education and acquiring the RIGHT information is critical to your success in life. If you don’t have a great ZEST for knowledge, you will not only have a difficult time becoming financially successful, you’ll be missing out on one of the greatest passions of life.

I’ve been studying this field for 39 years, ever since I was 15. Over that time, I’ve read many books and listened to many audio programs and gone to many seminars that led me down a road to nowhere. At least it went nowhere I wanted to go.

I’ve also read many books and listened to many audio programs and gone to many seminars that led me to financial freedom and the greatest life I could have ever hoped for.

Over my lifetime, I’ve probably invested more money in my formal education and personal development education that 99% of all the people I know. Was it worth it?

If I had to do it over again, I’d have invested TWICE AS MUCH! Education is so important to success that I can’t believe how few people continue to educate themselves after they’re out of school.

I wanted to be FINANCIALLY FREE. I wanted to BE MY OWN BOSS. I wanted to control my own time and my own efforts. It isn’t completely by luck that I am.

Do you want to be financially free one day? Do you want to be able to control your life and call your own shots?

If you answered yes, you have to make sure that you make a commitment to investing in your education in the areas that will help you become financially free.

Maybe that’ll be a course at a community college. More often, it may mean buying some books, or audio programs, or attending seminars. It might even mean investing in a coach.

One thing is certain, if you think education is expensive, try ignorance!

Do you want to play big or small? Do you want to play to win or not to lose? People who succeed, who play BIG, and play to WIN, invest in education constantly. You’re either growing or your dying.

EDUCATION IS THE KEY. Commit to your education. Commit time for your education. Commit money for your education. Commit energy for your education. If you’re looking to grow and succeed in your career and life, this is your golden opportunity to learn from masters, maybe THE masters.



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Blogger Larry E. said...

Keep the information stimulation coming. Thanks,
Larry E.

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I continue to learn everyday. People go to school and never continue their education. I think they felt they had to go to school. Now that they are out they dont have to be forced to go.

5:34 PM  

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