Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How do you feel about successful people?

Here we go again.

Another opportunity for you to reflect on your current ways of thinking by opening up your WEALTH FILES and examining what's in them. These are critical reviews, because success is an INNER GAME! You win the game on the inside LONG before you see the results on the outside. You play the game based on your predominant BELIEFS, so if your goal is to win, you'd better be sure that your BELIEF SYSTEM is designed for success, because if it isn't, it's going to be a long struggle for you financially.

Harv Eker’s Wealth File Number 6


Rich People admire other rich and successful people.
Poor people resent rich and successful people.

Negative attitudes and negative beliefs, where do they come from?

This wealth file is one that is CRITICAL to your future financial success. So let’s get your current file out there on the table for you to examine close up and personal. Let’s be SURE that this file contains your BELIEFS TODAY, not what you were taught ages ago!

Did you ever hear anything negative about money, success or rich people when you were growing up?

If you ever heard things like…..”Money is the root of all evil”

Or……..”Rich people are crooks”

Or……..”Wonder who he stepped on to get there”


We’ve all heard it growing up. And if we heard it from someone more senior to us, like our parents, our teachers, the media, our religious leaders, it automatically got stored in our WEALTH FILES as THE TRUTH!!

If we believe that wealthy people are “crooks”, and most of us want to be moral and ethical people, we CAN’T get rich! It violates the beliefs inside our current WEALTH FILE. On the one hand, we want financial success, but at the same time, in the same file, we believe that “money is the root of all evil”, right? Mixed messages to yourself and the Universe.

In my 54 years, I’ve met more people than most. I see clients daily to discuss their finances and direct them towards new and better options. The point I am trying to make here is that I meet LOTS AND LOTS of people daily, who lay out their entire financial lives before me and say, WHAT SHOULD I DO?

I see retired, professionals, doctors, lawyers, executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, employees. I see young and old, male and female, singles and couples, rich and broke, I see them all.

I’ve met poor people who were rude and ignorant, and rich people who were rude and ignorant. I’ve met poor people who were as nice as could be, and rich people who were as nice as could be.

Here’s the FACT. Money doesn’t make you greedy or generous. Money just makes you MORE of what you already are. If you’re an SOB when you’re poor, you’ll just be a bigger SOB when you’re rich.

In the mid 90’s I ran a large United Way funded Agency in Phoenix. My most critical objective was to successfully raise funds to keep all the programs open. My Board of Directors was made up of many of the most successful partners from the law firms, accounting firms, insurance firms, and other business owners in town.

These people were the saviors for the agency. Their generosity of BOTH time AND money, and getting their network of friends and associates to contribute was what kept us going. The rest gave as they could, but it was the rich and successful that made all the difference.

It was interesting to see the characteristics that these wealthy and successful people all had in common. They were all TRUSTWORTHY, and I knew I could count on them. They were also, positive, reliable, focused, determined, persistent, hardworking, energetic, good with people, decent communicator, somewhat intelligent, and a master in at least one area.

Too many people believe that you can’t be rich and a good person or rich and spiritual. I’ve seen too many of both rich and nice and rich and spiritual people to know that you ABSOLUTELY can be BOTH at the same time.

Successful people have blazed the trail for you to follow. They’ve proven that success is possible. They are an inspiration. We should all be grateful to successful people because they are PROOF that success can be attained.

Resenting the rich is one of the surest ways to stay broke. If you truly want financial success in your life, you need to create the HABIT of admiring successful people. That way, when you reach your success, you’ll unconsciously know that others will admire you rather than resent the heck out of you.

If you resent what people have, in any way, shape or form, you can never have it.

In the ancient Huna wisdom, which are the original teachings of the Hawaiian elders, it is taught “Bless that which you want.”

Take a long hard look at your current WEALTH FILE. Understand that you can be a kind, generous, spiritual person and still get really, really rich. Get clear in your BELIEFS that there aren’t any negatives about wealth and success unless you choose there to be negatives.

Now, place a hand on your chest and say….




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Blogger jamieyk4 said...

I love your blog. it is very inspiring. I believe everything you said. I know I still have work to do and I'm willing to do what ever it takes. I love the positiveness of your site and I will read it often

jamie young

8:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never had any problems with rich people. I look up to them and respect what they have done. You make your own life.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Larry E. said...

I admire you, Jeff.
Larry E.

9:42 PM  

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